Page 21 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:58
P. 21

One Giant Leap...

                                                                                                  Virgin Orbit

        our commitment to the Space Coalition with our allies, it all   race has now evolved into an almost routine exercise.  It makes
        underlines the importance and constantly growing role of Space   one think where we will be in another 50 years.  Colonisation?
        in the Royal Air Force’s capabilities.”               maybe living in purpose built orbital cities?  Maybe even
                                                              reaching new worlds?  Who knows.
        ARTEMIS gives us the opportunity to grow skills, understand
        the military relevance of small satellites and responsive launch,   Major Tim Peake
        and consider how to get space-based information to the
        warfighter in operationally relevant timelines, all of which are
        vital to ensure we stay ahead of the evolving threat.

        (2)  As part of Team Artemis, An RAF pilot will be selected for
        Virgin Orbit’s small satellite launch activities, with a successful
        candidate to fly on board its modified Boeing 747-400 platform,
        named “Cosmic Girl”.

        A total of 17 candidates applied for the opportunity and a
        shortlist of four – two each from the fast jet and multi-engined
        aircraft areas – has been drawn up. One of these will join the
        Virgin Orbit flight-test team, Air Commodore Richard Davies,
        commandant of the RAF’s Air Warfare centre, confirmed at the
        Royal International Air Tattoo.

        Placing a test pilot within the Virgin Orbit organisation forms
        part of a broader satellite initiative announced by the UK
        Ministry of Defence (MoD) on 18 July.

        The future of the UK Space Projects have never been more
        vibrant and exciting.  Astronaut Tim Peake drew the line in the
        sand when he embarked on his ISS mission for other would-be
        British astronauts.  Incidentally, Tim is hopeful for his second
        trip in the near fututre.  Watch this space (excuse the pun).

        But just 50 years on from that first step on the moon, the Space

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