Page 18 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:58
P. 18

August 2019

        Hi again from a sunny Worcester.
                                                                                                   TAC 2? Hmmm...
        We are getting very excited here as we know we will be moving   horizon.  From small acorns...
        into our new building any time now.  A big thank you to
        Worcester City Council for their support, which has secured   Finally, it is with a heavy heart that we announce that our
        our centre for the next 12 months.  We are now just waiting for   founder, Pablo is hanging up his TAC duties.  Pabs is moving
        the keys to be handed to us then it will be full steam ahead.  on to a few other projects including the expansion of our
                                                             magazine.  He has felt that he has been wearing far too many
        We have had a struggle over the past month or so but we have   hats and wanted to give himself a bit of breathing space.  His
        still managed to operate using local facilities and with the   decision to hand over the TAC to me and the rest of the gang
        creative minds of the team.  Big thank you to our wonderful   was not easy but he is happy it is now in very capable hands to
        psychotherapist, Lisa who has battled on regardless and helped   continue the good work.  He will, of course still bat our corner
        an awful lot of veterans suffering with mental health issues.  when it comes to the official council and AFC duties but he will
                                                             not be part of the shop front team.  All of us wish him the very
        Anyhow, we are still operational and available to assist any   best for the future.
        local veteran in need of our help, and have been doing just that
        for the past few weeks.  Happily one of our veterans has been   Not much more really I can say for the moment, except to ask
        housed recently, and he seems to be going from strength to   you all to look out for that veteran friend of yours who’s been
        strength, which is lovely to see.  I really think we’re all going to   awol for a few days.  Give them a call and make sure they are
        breathe a sigh of relief when we finally get into our new centre.  okay.
        Another bit of great news, Paul Lewis, TAC Trustee and FRS   That’s it from me, take care.
        Regional Director is just about set up to open TAC 2 in the   Jane x
        Black Country.  This is going to be a major leap forward for
        the Tommy Atkins Centre extending our reach throughout the
        West Midlands with the talk of another two centres on the

           The Tommy Atkins                                                             Mental Health Support
            Veterans Centre
                                                                                           Housing Support

             12 The Tything                                                                  Benefit Advice
                WR1 1JL                                                                   Employment Advice

                                                                                           Education Advice

                                                           Covenant Support

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