Page 13 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:58
P. 13



           A brand new charity to guide

          and support Veterans to adapt

                  back into civilian life

        How Can We Help You?                                 ual programs are also available for those who find social situations stressful.
                                                             There will be a small introduction to the charity and a brief about the differ-
        STEPWAY is here to help with adaption
                                                             ent interventions and courses that are available.
        problems that you may be struggling with

        This may be due to leaving prison and you cannot access the   3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Step
        services/ therapies that can help you adapt back into civvie life.    These steps will be spread over a 12 month period.  It includes intervention
        We are here to bridge that gap, so you can lead a crime free   programs for substance misuse, stress related conditions, adaption and how
        life.                                                to create a positive future for yourself.  These programs are all voluntary and
                                                             free for veterans.
        Have you found yourself in police custody and nobody
        understands?  We are here to provide help and support with
        supplying  intervention programs, advice, signposting  and  What do we provide
        introducing you to a mentor.
                                                             •   We provide programs that will help you with adaption.
        Are you leaving the armed forces and have not received a   •   Group and Individual programs are available.
        resettlement package to help you gain employment, education   •   We can refer you to other charities who can help you financially.
        or housing?  Are you concerned about your future? We are here   •   We are a free service for you, the veteran.
        to guide you to access the services that can help.   •   You can self refer, so there is no waiting list for the initial support.
                                                             •   We help every veteran that is struggling with adaption.
        Are you an early service leaver (served for 4 years or less) and   •   We will be here to support and guide you for as long as you need us.
        you feel that signposting is not enough to enable you to adapt   •   We will provide you with an alternative path to avoid the pathway
        back into civvie life?  We are here to bridge that gap.       to crime.

                                                             •   We provide you with the tools to improve your mental and physical
        Are you a homeless veteran that feels there is no other choice but        wellbeing.
        to commit a crime to survive on the streets?  Have you dropped
        out of society because you feel socially excluded from civvie life?
        We are here to make that transition less problematic.
                                                             For more information:
        The 7 Step Programme
        Our 7-Step Program will give you the opportunity to travel down a different   Email: or
        path.  This program will empower you to make a voluntary change.  We   Or call: 07539 754 457
        endevour to improve your mental wellbeing by enabling you to see a brighter   Website:
        1st Step                                             c/o The Trinity
                                                             16, Queen Street
        The first step is to contact STEPWAY by calling either Dawn or Bob on the    WORCESTER
        number provided and we will arrange to meet you within 24hrs.  We will    WR1 2PL
        have an informal chat after a brew.  This will give you the opportunity to
        tell us a bit about yourself and the problems you have encountered.  At
        the end of the meeting we will offer the level of support you may need.
        2nd Step

        The introduction program will be attended by veterans who are going
        through similar experiences, so you will not feel alone or excluded.  Individ-                                                                                13  |
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