Page 8 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:58
P. 8
RAF test pilot to fly with Virgin Orbit crew
Story: Flight Global By: Craig Hoyle will be designed to Orbit is expected to be
understand the military conducted after taking off
A UK Royal Air Force centre, confirmed at the Orbit, the RAF’s Rapid utility of small satellites from Cornwall Airport
(RAF) test pilot will be Royal International Air Capabilities Office and and provide information Newquay.
seconded to support Tattoo. the US government. to combat aircraft more
Virgin Orbit’s small quickly,” the MoD
satellite launch activities, Placing a test pilot “The demonstrator says. Launch by Virgin Read more here...
with a successful within the Virgin Orbit
candidate to fly on board organisation forms part
its modified Boeing of a broader satellite
747-400 platform, named initiative announced
“Cosmic Girl”. by the UK Ministry of
Defence (MoD) on 18
A total of 17 candidates July.
applied for the
opportunity and a Under this, a Team
shortlist of four – two Artemis organisation
each from the fast jet and will use a £30 million
multi-engined aircraft ($37.5 million) funding
areas – has been drawn allocation to “fast-track
up. One of these will the launch of a small
join the Virgin Orbit satellite demonstrator”,
flight-test team, Air the MoD says. Parties
Commodore Richard involved include Airbus,
Davies, commandant of Raytheon, Surrey Satellite
the RAF’s Air Warfare Technology, Virgin
Tim Peake Joins Red Arrows As They
Prepare To Take On North America
Story : Forces,net Image: MOD
ritish astronaut Tim Peake before setting off next month for mark combination of close-for- Saturday’s 50th anniversary of
joined the Red Arrows for their biggest-ever tour of North mations, precision passes the Moon landing.
Ba rehearsal flight before America. and dynamic loops and rolls
their display at the Royal Inter- first-hand. After the flight, Mr Peake said:
national Air Tattoo (RIAT) this Mr Peake sat in the rear seat of “What a huge honour and
weekend. Red 1’s aircraft for the 20-minute One of the manoeuvres prac- privilege to join the Red Arrows
flight. tised - which features in the Red today – a fantastic flight
It is the RAF’s Aerobatic Teams Arrows’ 2019 show - is Apollo,
last display in the UK this year He experienced the team’s hall- arranged in a shape that marks Read the full story...
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