Page 9 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:58
P. 9
News Around The Globe
South Korea fires warning shots at Russian aircraft
Story: UK Defence Journal By George Allison
South Korea fired warning local media.
shots at a Russian A-50 after
claiming the aircraft entered The incursion came during
its air defence identification what South Koreans officials
zone, say the South Korean claim was a joint Russian-Chi-
Ministry of Defence. nese military exercise. Two
Chinese H-6 bombers had
The Russian jet breached the passed into Seoul’s air identifi-
South Korean air defence cation zone just hours before,
identification zone twice say joined by another two Russian
the country, prompting its air military planes.
force to launch jets and fire
warning shots according to Read more here...
Indian Army’s flood rescue operations team saves 150 in Nalabari
Story: The Statesman
ncessant heavy downpour in toiled hard and ensured to rescue
the Nalbari district of As- 150 stranded civilians, including 60
Isam resulted in the breach of women and children, and brought
embankments of ‘Pagladiya’ river. them to safe zone. The locals and
Immediately, a highly trained and civil administration were forth-
well-equipped Flood relief column coming in expressing their heartfelt
of the Indian Army was mobilized and overwhelming gratitude to
and arrived at the Balitara Village in the Army in light of their Service
Nalbari District to undertake a mas- Before Self Motto as the dedicated
sive humanitarian aid and disaster efforts resulted in averting disaster
relief operation. and resulted in normalization of the
situation,” said, Lt Col Harsh Ward-
“Operating under heavy downpour, han Pande, PRO (Defence), Tezpur
dangerous currents and alarm- while commenting on the situation.
ing water levels in addition to the
pitch-dark night, Indian Army More here...
North Korea launches 2 short range missiles
Story: Politico: Image: Jon Chol Jin/AP Photo
North Korea fired two miles) and 690 kilome- anonymity because of
short-range missiles into ters (430 miles) respec- department rules, said
the sea Thursday in its tively before landing off that an initial analysis
first weapons launch- the country’s east coast. showed both missiles
es in more than two were fired from mobile
months and an appar- South Korea’s military launchers and flew at a
ent effort to pressure earlier said both missiles maximum altitude of 50
Washington as the two flew 430 kilometers but kilometers (30 miles).
sides struggle to restart the trajectory for one He said South Korea’s
nuclear negotiations. was revised based on a military believes a
joint South Korean-U.S. second missile that flew
The South’s Joint Chiefs analysis. South Korean 690 kilometers is a new
of Staff said the missiles officials said the missiles type of missile but more
were fired from near the were both short-range. analysis is necessary.
eastern coastal town of
Wonsan and flew about A South Korean defense
430 kilometers (270 official, requesting Read more here... 09 |