Page 12 - The Sandbag Times Issue No:58
P. 12


                                     Article:  Pablo Snow                              Featured Image:  Armed Forces Covenant

                                     The Armed Forces Covenant is not just a pledge by the Government
                                        to support serving servicemen and women, veterans and their
                                       families, indeed it is a commitment that we should all be getting
                                      involved with.    The SBT, along with Team Dynamics Motorsport,
                                      Stepway and the Tommy Atkins Veterans Centre are heading up an

                                       initiative to recognise those in the community that go above and
                                                       beyond to support our local heroes.

                 orking in the West Midlands                                    That is all about to change.  The SBT, The
                 over the past few years has really   “Life is short and we need to live that life   Tommy Atkins Centre, Stepway and Team
        Wopened my eyes to the Armed         to the maximum, the freedom we enjoy   Dynamics Motorsport are headlining  a new
        Forces Covenant and the Community    in the UK is in no uncertain part down   initiative to recognise those who go above and
        Covenant.  But even for me, somebody who   to our armed forces, whether active,   beyond to support the AFC community.
        has dedicated his life to serving veterans,   retired or recuperating and that is why I
        it has taken a lot of time and an awful lot   am so proud to be a Patron of the Sand-  Each month, we will feature an organisation
        of understanding to realise just what it is   bag Times. What you do and have done   and how they have contributed.  At the end of
        and how it can serve the Armed Forces and   for this country goes beyond words.”  the year, we will announce our overall annual
        Veterans community.                                                     Covenant Champion and present an award in
                                                                   Matt Neal    recognition of their efforts at an event still to
        I’ll say from the very outset, the Covenant   Halfords Yuasa Racing driver and   be confirmed.
        has had a bit of a bashing from me over the      Team Dynamics Director
        past few years, admittedly from a lack of                               We, at the SBT network are determined to
        understanding at times but I think even the   Despite their incredibly busy schedule,   support the Armed Forces Covenant, not only
        MoD will admit it’s far from perfect.  bearing in mind that this is the top team in   locally but also nationally and encourage its
                                            the top motorsport event in the UK with two   members to get involved in supporting those
        Having said all that, it is what we have and   of the best drivers, they still always have time   who have given so much.
        over the past few months I have written my   to support our Armed Forces Community
        thoughts on how to get the best out of it to   and in particular, the veterans in the local   Detail on how you can get involved and sign
        work with your own community.  I have   area.  Surely, that is the kind of support that   the Armed Forces Covenant can be found
        to say that it is working here in the West   we should be seeing from signatories of the   here:
        Midlands.                           AFC.                      
        When the Covenant was rolled out, the   One thing that has become apparent to us,
        whole of the UK was encouraged to sign   is that the companies that do sign and get   If you would like to let us know how your
        up and show support.  Happily, thousands   involved are very seldom recognised for their   own organisation or an organisation you
        upon thousands did.  The result was local   efforts.  Yes, I know, recognition is not the top   know, has contributed to the Armed Forces
        authorities, businesses, charities and members   priority in any charitable matter.  But it is nice   Covenant then why not get in touch with us
        of the public started to take more interest in   to have some one pat you on the back and say   here at the Sandbag Times by emailing us at:
        the welfare of our Forces past and present.    ‘Well done’ every now and then.
        More and more initiatives were born locally
        and the Government finally had to take

        Some 10 years on, so much more can still
        be done.  There are many who purely wear
        the badge and do nothing but flip the coin
        and you certainly will see the reverse.
        Many organisations have not signed the
        covenant but engage hugely with the
        Forces Community.  Certainly, over here
        in Worcester, I can say our BTCC team is a
        shining example of that.
        You will have seen the immense coverage I
        try to give Matt Neal and Team Dynamics
        Motorsport.  This is because of the
        unrelenting support they give to us.  No
        strings attached, just support.

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