Page 23 - wammarch
P. 23

Ephraim Herschmann

        T      h                                              we tore out as far west as we could go, as far away e tore out as far west as we could go, as far away
               he Road of Busted Dreams is the culmina-e Road of Busted Dreams is the culmina-
                                                              from our hometowns and conventional lives as rom our hometowns and conventional lives as
               tion of years of self-doubt, pain, desire for        ion of years of self-doubt, pain, desire for
        Temotional freedom, and investment in my emotional freedom, and investment in my
        friendships and relationships.riendships and relationships.  possible.ossible.
                                                              About a year before my move I discovered the magic bout a year before my move I discovered the magic
        Upon graduating college with a degree in Creative pon graduating college with a degree in Creative   o
                                                              of Bruce Springsteen. The “Born to Run”, the f Bruce Springsteen. The “Born to Run”, the
        W                                                     “Thunder Road”, the “Promised Land”, all the Thunder Road”, the “Promised Land”, all the
        Writing and Literature, I moved home and began a riting and Literature, I moved home and began a
        j job in sales. Weeks and months crawled on; I was ob in sales. Weeks and months crawled on; I was   glamour and delight of pursuing everything that I’ve lamour and delight of pursuing everything that I’ve
        f feeling as though I was cheating myself out of my eeling as though I was cheating myself out of my   dreamt of had already been articulated, felt, loved, eamt of had already been articulated, felt, loved,
        r real potential. I felt lost, without direction. Many eal potential. I felt lost, without direction. Many   a
                                                              and performed! Millions of people had their nd performed! Millions of people had their
        f friends from childhood, high school and college all riends from childhood, high school and college all   imaginations ignited, troubles mitigated, and aginations ignited, troubles mitigated, and
        f felt the same way - but what could you do? Most of elt the same way - but what could you do? Most of   burdens eased - even if it was just for the three or urdens eased - even if it was just for the three or
        t them found ways to dull themselves of their passions;  fours hours that Bruce would perform. hem found ways to dull themselves of their passions;  fours hours that Bruce would perform.
        throw themselves into work, television, booze, or hrow themselves into work, television, booze, or
        p                                                     The images of cars, racing, running, freedom, love, e images of cars, racing, running, freedom, love,
        poet (or all of the above!) oet (or all of the above!)
                                                              hope, fear - all of these are concepts that we can cling ope, fear - all of these are concepts that we can cling
        I finally decided that I’ve had enough of my ally decided that I’ve had enough of my
        I fin                                                 to, feel and share with, and find in our own lives. o, feel and share with, and find in our own lives.
        h                                                     These notions are the motivation and motifs that ese notions are the motivation and motifs that
        hometown. Calling a close friend in Chicago, we ometown. Calling a close friend in Chicago, we
        de                                                    dr
        decided to move together to Seattle, Washington - cided to move together to Seattle, Washington -
                                                              drove The Road of Busted Dreams.  I hope that you ove The Road of Busted Dreams.  I hope that you
        our very own promised land. I bought a rickety old ur very own promised land. I bought a rickety old   c
                                                              can find these lyrics motivational, relatable and fun!an find these lyrics motivational, relatable and fun!
        Prius, drove from New York to Chicago, and together rius, drove from New York to Chicago, and together                                                                                                                                                                            23
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