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Stanley Thompson

                                                                    Winning ‘Story’ Lyrics From Facebook Group

                                                                                                 Don’t Forget The Lyrics 2

                          “The Latin Girl”
               ©2013 StanleyThompson aka SydneyWestan         A Little Insight into Stan Thompson/Sydney Westan/
                 Oh so many years ago...down in Mexico
               Way back, when I was young and on the run      For me the writing started back in the 60’s, on a dark and
                     I spent some time with an angel          stormy night...or was it a bright sunny day?...Anyway, I
                      A Latin girl...with hazel eyes          began by writing poetry and lyrics until the music of the day
                                                              started to influence my ideas of what to do with my words
                    Her beauty...was that of a princess       and feelings. Then a song by Neil Diamond, “I Am...I Said”,
                  Her kiss, as the morning sun      sparked my imagination of becoming a songwriter. I bought
                     I never really knew her name...          a guitar!
                      she never asked me mine…
                   That Latin girl...with the hazel eyes      I learned about five chords but realized I needed more
                                                              knowledge of music to make my songs more creative so in
                              (Chorus)                        the late 70’s I talked my way into Berklee College of Music, in
            She called me, “Mi Amigo”... I called her, “Mi Amor”  Boston, Massachusetts, USA.
                 It was two short days and one long night
                         Before I said goodbye                After three years I started writing better music and better
                  To the Latin girl...with the hazel eyes     lyrics which led to my first copyrights in 1983. The rest is
            Then back across the border, I turned my life around
                   I paid some dues, I did some time,         During those years more influences emerged, such as Cohen,
                         I finally settled down               Kristofferson, Dylan, Cash, Crowell, Fogerty, Seger, etc. and
                               (Solo)                         I gravitated to songs that told stories. Stories of life, love,
                                                              dreams and traveling. These days I’m still writing, playing
             Oh how the years have in New Mexico  and singing in live shows around Santa Fe, New Mexico,
                   I’ve lost and found...success and love     USA.
               Now my family’s wife, she’s gone
                   ‘n All our kids...set out on their own     Now, sometimes I still say to myself, “I Am...I Said”.

               So I’m alone...with my thoughts and dreams     Email
                   Old memories ‘n a few old fantasies        Facebook   Stanley Thompson
                     Playin’ guitar...singin’ melodies        YouTube
                 Mmmmm…...of the years gone by……

               Now I sit on my front long shadows
                     Waitin’ for the sun to go down
                    ‘n As it sets...before I go inside...
                   (Sing) I gaze at the Southern sky….

                      (Repeat chorus-in Spanish)
               Ella me llamaba, “Mi Amigo”...Yo le llamaba,
                             “Mi Amor”
                  Era dos dias cortos y uno noche larga
                         Antes de desir adios
                   A la chica Latina...con los ojos, hazel
                   La chica Latina...con los ojos. hazel

                   No, I’ll never forget, that Latin girl...
                          with the hazel eyes
              Yeah, I still remember the Latin girl...mmmm...
                      and I just smile...I
                       Follow this link to listen....

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