Page 26 - The Spirit of Christmas 1940
P. 26
Chapter 4
doors. Mary and Jack frantically searched along the platform
hoping that Harry would show. Mary’s heart began to sink as the
dread crept back in. She looked down at Jack wondering what she
was going to say to him when all of a sudden he let go of her hand
and sprinted away. She looked up and saw the figure of a soldier
at the other end of the train staring back at them. Jack ran straight
at him and into a desperate hug. Dad was home.
Just a few feet away from the reuniting family stood Joan
Matthers. She was waiting for her brother, Stephen to return
on the same train. She never noticed the arms of William Snow
embracing her, nor did she feel his tears as they fell on to her.
She knew Stephen wasn’t coming home. She could feel it. But
something was giving her peace, she couldn’t explain it but
through her sadness, she simply turned away from William and
walked off the platform. Her heart was broken, she wept as she
walked away but still the peace was there. Unexplainable peace.
She knew Stephen was gone, she didn’t know when or how, there
had been no letter yet from the army but she also knew he was ok
wherever he was. Her mother and father would not be as calm but
she thought that she could help them. She would be their strength.
Back on the platform, the grief of the loss of Stephen
overwhelmed William. He wanted to scream out but couldn’t
find the strength, His emotions screamed out and he just wanted
someone to comfort him and take away the pain. He felt weak
and needed to sit. He found his bench and slumped down with
his head in his hands trying to surpress the intense sadness, He
wished the young woman would help him. He somehow knew she
could take the pain away. He didn’t know how, he just knew she
* * * * *
Jimmy had gone about his business in a quiet manner this
morning. From all of the comings and goings on the platforms
he could tell that it was going to be one of those days. He had
already seen too many tears for one day and he really didn’t want