Page 41 - The Spirit of Christmas 1940
P. 41
The Spirit of Christmas 1940
dust out. Although his sight was still blurry, he could make out
a pile of rubble that was moving as if it had a life of its own. He
frantically started clearing the debris away when his mand felt hair.
His heart sank.
“Oh God, no. Rosie!” He dug at the brick and dirt till his fingers
started bleeding calling her name over and over. He managed
to get hold of her shoulders and pulled her free of the pile. She
started to cough and opened her dust filled eyes.
“Bloody hell. I can’t hear a damn thing!” She was shaken up but
ok much to the relief of Jimmy who dropped to his knees.
“Thank God, Rosie, don’t ever do that to me again.”
Rosie smiled as she coughed “I’ll try not to.”
A bomb had gone clean through the roof of the station and
partially exploded just as Rose and Jimmy had walked down the
stairs. Thankfully only windows and the entrance to the subway
were damaged and apart from a few cuts and bruises from the
blasts shockwave, nobody was hurt.
The all clear was finally sounded and Rose and Jimmy walked
back up to the main station, Jimmy clutching Rose as if his life
depended on her preservation. He was truly frightened for the first
time in his life, not for himself but the thought that he could have
lost Rose. The very thought that she could have been taken from
him and she would never have known how he felt about her. Of
course in reality, she knew very well but she always wanted him to
open up first.
Rose saw the fear in his face and noticed his hands trembling.
“Jimmy, are you ok? you’re shaking like a leaf. Surely that little
bomb didn’t scare you? Not my Jimmy.”
He looked at her, a tear rolled down his cheek. “I’m ok, It’s just
seeing you in that pile of rubble scared me to death. I don’t know