Page 37 - The Spirit of Christmas 1940
P. 37

The Spirit of Christmas 1940

             Rose was singing along cheerfully to the carols when she
           noticed William sitting on the bench by Platform 1 again.  She
           picked up a white rose from her stall and walked over to him.

            “Good morning William, waiting for somebody?” she said with a
           naughty smile.

            “No, not at the moment, I’m just sitting here thinking.  I wanted
           to say thank you for speaking to me the other day.  You’re the first
           person who had spoken to me since... well, a long time.”

             Rose looked puzzled.  “How long?  I mean, I’m not even sure
           where you’re from.”

            “I’m not sure, I’ve been trying to work it out but still nothing is
           making sense to me.  I think I have an idea but it’s impossible.  I
           mean really impossible.  Maybe it’s best that we don’t know for
           the time being.  It’s scaring the hell out of me to face up what I’m
           thinking but.. ah, forget it.  It’ll work itself out.”

            “Ok, you take your time.  Anyway I’ve got a present for you.”
           She placed the rose into a lapel hole on his jacket “There you, go.”

             William looked surprised, “What’s that for?”

            “Oh, just to cheer you up a bit.  It looks like you could do with
           it. “

            “Rose, can I ask you something weird? What do you think
           happens when somebody dies?  Do you believe in Heaven and hell
           or do you think we go on to another life?

             The question startled Rose.  In a moment a bizarre thought
           crossed her mind but was very quickly dismissed as madness.

            “I don’t know really, My dad raised me to believe in the Bible as
           a Christian but I suppose I’m like everyone else,  Wondering what
           the truth is.  I suppose it’s something that we will only know when
           the time comes.  Why do you ask”

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