Page 11 - Have Faith Oct_Neat
P. 11

Day 10            In the name of the Father, Son and Holy Ghost...

        Ghosts...                                                 Luke 24:37-39
        Now here's a question that should raise a few  that has survived traumas can relive these in
        eyebrows and cause a few opinions, Do  their own personal flashbacks during the day
        ghosts exist? If you ask a child, of course  and awful recurring nightmares during the
        they do. There's loads of them in Hogwarts!  night. I can only speak as a veteran and em-
        If we ask people of science, the answer will  pathise with anyone who suffers in this way.
        most probably be no. There is no physical  If you do suffer in this way, my heart goes out
        proof or any concrete evidence to suggest  to you.  The good news is that these ghosts
        their existence while spiritualists and medi-  can be released and sent to their final resting
        ums will speak to them on a daily basis. The  place. Of course, sometimes we need help
        public will be split in their opinions with some  to do this but it is possible to free yourself
        saying that they have had experiences that  from them, please take heart. We all know
        can't be explained. Me, personally, I have a  that the help is sometimes slow in getting to
        theory that there are ghosts but not in a way  us but there is one ghost that is always there
        that they affect the living. To me, ghosts are  to help. This is a great way to fight fire with
        memories that are stuck in a certain place or  fire. The Holy Ghost is always on call to love,
        time, almost like a movie that is being re-  guide and help us, all we have to do is ask.
        peated time and time again. I don't know of  He is a spirit that we can take all of our
        any other way to explain things apart from  ghosts to and ask him for help to deal with
        what I know. As none of us really know what  them. You'll be surprised just how effective
        happens to us after we die there is no way of  he can be. As a bit of a sceptical person, I
        proving either way.  But let's get away from  once thought this was a bit farfetched but I
        the 'Grey lady' and the 'Poltergeist' for a  can now put my hand on my heart and say
        minute and just go back to my theory for a  that in the treatment for my own PTSD, he
        minute. To so many people, ghosts do exist  has been the only effective help so far.  So I
        as unwanted memories. Veterans have to  will finish by asking myself the question, do I
        live with them every day. But it's not just vet-  believe in ghosts? Most definitely, only not in
        erans that are haunted by their past. Anyone  the same way as Scooby and Shaggy.

        Have Faith                                                         11 |
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