Page 8 - Have Faith Oct_Neat
P. 8

Day 6 & 7                       You shall be judged as you judge...

        Judgement...                                         Matthew 7 & John 8
        Wow, I feel that I'm walking in a minefield with  causing so many problems and bad feelings.
        this one. One of the hardest topics to speak  Judging others is such a dangerous practice
        about is Judgement. Mainly because we are  mainly because the standards we judge peo-
        all guilty of this at some point. It is something  ple with, we rarely meet ourselves. Yet again
        that we will do for many reasons. To display  that saying from Jesus comes to mind. "Let
        our feelings and emotions, to let someone  him without sin cast the first stone". The Bible
        know how wrong they are, sometimes to let  is very clear on this subject. You only have to
        others know what someone has done or what  read Matthew 7 in the New Testament to see
        they are like. Social media is a hotbed for  what I mean. It states, Judge and you shall
        this. Everyday I see it, facebook especially.  I  be judged. There is also a good passage
        remember how judging and being judged  about wiping the dust from your brothers eye.
        was such a big problem while we were serv-  That's really worth reading. I do realise that
        ing in Northern Ireland. Every time we left the  this is part of our makeup and sometimes we
        camp we were suspicious of everybody, mak-  do this to protect ourselves from harm. We
        ing us look at the public with extreme caution  are all very guilty of it, I am not saying every-
        wondering if they were terrorists. This lead to  body should stop it immediately, this would
        stereotyping innocent people. On the other  be very hypocritical and unrealistic but there
        side, we were seen as the enemy by some,  is no harm in allowing yourself to stop and
        aggressive soldiers come to dominate their  think and ask yourself that old question
        country. Of course this was not the case but  again. "Am I in a position to throw the first
        this practice of judging and being judged was  stone?" I certainly am not.

        Ask...                                                  Matthew 7: 7-12
        From the day we are born we have this amaz-  my comical downfall on a number of occa-
        ing ability to learn. Our minds, like computers,  sions but due to the fear of me looking a right
        can process and store all kinds of information  berk on this reflection, I shall keep them to
        that can be made available at any time. The  myself.  The wonderful thing about talking to
        great thing here is we don't have to push any  God and asking him for help is you'll never
        buttons to access it. But what happens when  look silly. You can ask him about anything you
        we try to search our database and cannot find  like. You can speak to him about your darkest
        the information we are after? Our back up  and deepest thoughts and you will never have
        system kicks in which will access data from  to worry about what he thinks. One of the
        external sources. In simple terms, when we  amazing things I have found that when I do
        don't know the answer, we ask.  We can ask  talk to him everything is silent. I like to think
        for advice, we can ask for directions, we can  that it's because he is listening to everything
        ask for help, in fact there is a whole universe  we say and he doesn't want to miss anything.
        of things we can ask for. But how many times  God's love for us means that no matter what
        have you felt that you have missed the boat  time of day or night, no matter what the cir-
        just because you haven't asked a question  cumstances are, we can ask him for his help,
        because you were too embarrassed, too shy,  love, grace and forgiveness and he will be
        didn't want to look silly in front of others or  there to listen. It's very comforting to think that
        maybe just couldn't be bothered? Personally,  he is there at the end of our very own private
        I have done this more times than I am com-  line using our hearts as his switchboard. Just
        fortable with. Peer pressure in the army was  ask.

        | 8                                                                                                                                      Have Faith
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