Page 9 - Have Faith Oct_Neat
P. 9
Day 8 Call unto me and I will answer thee...
Answer the Call... Ephesians 1: 3 - 14
All you need to do is spend five minutes in Something to bear in mind the next time you
your local village, town or city to really see are being asked for help. Answering his calls
how important our mobile phones have be- may mean discomfort, pain, heartache or
come in our lives. No matter where we are or persecution but his plans will mean that suf-
what we are doing, if our phone rings we get fering will be temporary and there are greater
an overwhelming urge to answer it. Thanks things to come. I remember someone once
to technology, these days we normally see telling me over and over "God knows what he
who is calling before we answer but still, we is doing". As hard as it was to believe back
have the urge to know what they want. We then, she was right. Not so long ago, for me,
have to answer. The thought occurs how our everything dropped into place and made
military hierarchy would react if we didn't an- sense. The ups and downs, rights and
swer our radio messages when they called wrongs, pain and suffering, everything be-
us. The results would range from downright came visible. I do know there is still a long
annoying to catastrophically dangerous. It re- way to go and an awful lot of work to do, my
ally brings it home just how important it is to own personal battles are far from over but I
answer your calls. Have you ever had this do know he called. He has given me my task
feeling in your heart that there is something and showed me what I need to do. Some-
you have to do or something you are meant times I am not sure that I am strong enough
to say? Have you ever felt that someone or good enough to complete the task but
needs your help? The chances are when you hopefully, if I trust in him he will give me
get those feelings you are receiving a call strength and guidance. I can only try and
through your spiritual phone. God is on the pray. So if you ever have the heartfelt urge
other end of the phone 24/7 sending us mes- to do something or ever wonder why events
sages when he wants to use us to carry out happen in a certain way, ask yourself if God
his work. When he sees suffering and knows is trying to call you. Is he trying to tell you
you have the tools to help, he will call you. something? The chances are, he is. Answer
He may even use others to contact you. The Call!!
Have Faith 9 |