Page 12 - The Record
P. 12

And Finally...

            I’m using the back page to explain what I have done over this short mag.

            Please don’t pay to much attention to the articles I’ve used, I’ve just plucked bits off the website to
            show a basic set up.  Also, most of the images are low resolution.  Agian they are just examples.

            The format and contents can be what ever is desired.  I have a bit of an idea how it could work
            now I’ve been looking into the website a little deeper but I’ll leave that until we have a good chat.

            This mag is a basic A4 set up, clean design and simple to follow.  A published article would be
            very much more polished but the main point of the exercise was to develop a template which is
            flexible and can be changed around quickly each month so readers do not become accustomed to
            the design.  (Keeps it interesting)

            To design and produce this from cover to cover took just 6 hours.  At least half of that was con-
            structing the template.  Future magazine now using this design would only probably take 4-5
            hours to construct in its present format.  So not too much work for the designer.  The lengthy part
            of the job is getting the contents together and planning.

            So let’s look at costing:

            I noticed you’ve had magazines online before using Issuu.  I have used a similar platform called
            Yumpu.  In fact a lot of my work is still there on their free platform.  But to use it for any company
            you would really need to take a paid plan.  Roughly this would cost £20 - 25 per month.

            I now use my own software where I can produce a fully customisable flipbook style magazine
            which is embeddable to any website at any size with download and print capabilities.  This doesn’t
            cost a penny.  You should be reading this in the format I’ve just described.

            Printing can also be a nightmare cost wise if you wanted to go that route but I found a company
            that is pretty unique if you were ever thinking of getting the publication into prisons or probation
            offices etc.  I’ve grabbed a few examples for this particular edition to give you an idea.

            100 copies - £73.95

            500 copies - £202.95

            1000 copies - £227.95

            As you can see, not too expensive.

            To print a magazine requires a little more work to get it to the best quality but it’s not too hard to

            Finally, this back page would normally be a full page ad for subscriptions to the mag/website with
            a look forward to the next mag.  Take a look at a few of my SBTs for an idea.  All designed by me.

            The bottom line is to produce an online flipbook style magazine which works on the website is
            free.  The only cost it could incur is if you had to hire someone to do it but plenty would volunteer
            to get the experience.  If you want to print them, it is very cheap.  I know Unlock is a charity but I
            would urge you to use the mag to advertise.  It is completely legal and let’s face it running a chari-
            ty costs money. I have experience of that as I ran a veterans charity and it was very expensive.  As
            online magazines are getting more and more popular due to printing costs, companies are more
            than willing to invest in a professional looking publication with lots of readers.  Just food for
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