Page 9 - The Record
P. 9


        “Forgiving myself was harder than being forgiven by others”

        Story by:  The Record

        Following his conviction for   point of my life and almost   brother visited me to tell me   with letters, apps etc. My
        murder, Toby never believed   as soon as it had happened I   that he and his partner were   niece Phoebe was born and I
        that he deserved to be happy   knew that I’d never be able to   expecting a baby. He made it   relished every letter I received
        or to move on with his life.   live with myself. As I saw my   clear that he wanted me to be   from my brother and his
        Read about his journey to   victims family being inter-  part of my niece or nephews   partner telling me what they’d
        forgiveness.               viewed on the television I   life and harshly told me:  all been up to.
                                   knew that I had to do the right
        If you ask the general public   thing and I handed myself in       Stop being so b****y selfish.   Eventually my release day
        what offenders are the most   to the police.          You’re not the only one affect-  arrived and my brother Tom
        dangerous or what the most                            ed by your actions so grow up,   was at the prison gates to take
        heinous offence is most will   From that day on I found   stop feeling sorry for yourself   me to the approved premises.
        say ‘murderers’ and ‘murder’.   myself on some type of   and make the rest of your life   I wouldn’t have survived these
        Back in 1999, I became that   roller-coaster and just went   matter”            early days without the support
        person.                    with it – police interview,                          of my family and although I
                                   court, conviction, prison. I   Nobody had spoken to me   was living over an hour’s drive
        I’m sure there are a lot of   can’t really remember the first   like that. Everybody pus-  from them they visited me
        people reading this that would   couple of years in prison, I   sy-footed around me, trying   every weekend without fail.
        love me to go into great detail   didn’t speak to anybody unless  to make me feel better but he
        about my crime – I’m not   I really had to (this included   was right. Although I didn’t   Six months after I’d been
        going to. It might make my   my family) and I didn’t engage   deserve anything from my   released I’d found myself a job
        story more interesting to some  with any day to day activities   life, my family did and so the   in a supermarket and a small
        but it’s not something that   in the prison. I was constantly   transformation started.  flat to rent. However, more
        I’m proud of and for anybody   punishing myself, believing                      excitingly my brother had de-
        reading this who may have   that I wasn’t worthy of any   I embraced life in prison and   cided that the time had come
        lost a friend or family mem-  type of kindness or compas-  found that by helping others   to introduce me to my niece
        ber in similar circumstances,   sion.                 I started to feel a bit better   for the first time – she was 8
        I don’t want to sensationalise                        about myself. I took on peer   years old.
        what I did.                I’m not entirely sure when the   roles and became a Listener
                                   turning point came, proba-  and generally just helped   Read the full story at
        My crime truly was the lowest   bly about the time that my   the other lads on the wing

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