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Veterans Tales

        How the British Commonwealth origi-  we know it today had its beginnings.  West Africa.
                                            ---------------0---------------    Article by Philip Weyers – Past President
        On 15 May 1917, General Smuts ad-                                      of the SAAFA
        dressed both Houses of Parliament,   Queen Frederica of the Helenes, in her   Photos courtesy Dr Stefaan Bouwer –
        saying the following:               book “A measure of understanding”,   official photographer of the SAAFA. All
                                            portrayed a few interesting facets of the   photos taken at the “unofficial” centenary
        “I think the very expression ‘Empire’   Oubaas.                        occasion in early February 2020.
        is misleading, because it makes people
        think we are one community, to which   During the Second World War, while   Bibliography:
        the term ‘Empire’ can appropriately be   staying in South Africa, she asked him
        applied. We are a system of nations. We   whether he hated the Germans. He   Maj Dave Bekker: On Wings of Eagles,
        are not a state, but a community of states   answered; “No, Churchill asked me the   SAAF, 1995
        and nations. If we are not an Empire, why   same question, and I answered him that   J C Smuts: Jan Christian Smuts, Heine-
        call ourselves one? If we are something   I could not hate anybody as much as I   mann & Cassel, 1952
        new, we had better give ourselves a new   hated the British during the Boer War.   Hancock & van der Poel: The Smuts Pa-
        name. Let us take the name of Common-  You grow beyond these baser emotions   pers, Cambridge University Press, 1966
        wealth. This is the fundamental fact we   when you learn to understand people   Sir Keith Hancock: Smuts the sanguine
        have to bear in mind – that the British   and circumstances. I have long forgotten   years 1870 – 1919, Cambridge University
        Commonwealth of Nations does not    how to hate. Now I am only sorry for   Press, 1962
        stand for standardisation or denationali-  people, for nations and on rare occasions
        sation, but for the fuller, richer and more   for myself.” This might go some way to   Editor’s Note: We are fortunate to have
        various life of all the nations that are   explaining how, 12 years after the cessa-  contributions by Philip and Dr Stefaan, I
        comprised in it”                    tion of Boer War hostilities, he effectively   am grateful, that I am!
                                            sided with the British when he started his
        And that is how the Commonwealth as   First World War action in German South

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