Page 7 - SAFFER 03
P. 7

Chopper Corner

                        The Joys!

                        I have a confession to make: a month or so ago I yielded to temptation – I allowed myself to
                        be dragged into the WhatsApp mire… but that only came after I first yielded to the temp-
                        tation of submitting to Facebook. I yielded and submitted meekly - only for the sake of this
                        platform. Once we set up the social media accounts for the website, I felt compelled to see if
                        I could spot a friend or three from the distant past. Well, little did I know that my desire to
                        build friendship bridges would prove so fruitful.

                        One of the mates added me to a WhatsApp group. This group is exclusive… and I’m proud
                        to say, I qualify to be a member – yes, by virtue of being a past SAAF Flight Engineer, let me
                        add – once a FE… always a FE… in spirit, thought and camaraderie sharing. One thing led
                        to another… as happens after moments of happy reacquaintances – memories of distant days
                        prompted a reminder of a sign that hung in the airforce pub at AFB Ondangwa – the Chop-
                        per Corner sign.

                        And that folk… lead to the thought of reliving the glory days of chopper flying – by hosting
                        our very own Chopper Corner. Yep… feel free to join the fun, send happy snaps and captions
                        – and even a quirky tale or three. Thanks!

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