Page 29 - SAFFER 03
P. 29

Have Faith

                                                              but it is also very unforgiving, it doesn’t stop for any reason and
                                                              will keep coming at you until you either give up or find a way

                                               With Paul      I remember going out on a big day in Cornwall, England.  A day
                                                              I really should not have attempted but the thrill of conquering
                                                              one of these monsters was just too much.  Paddling out through
                                                              the white water was a massive task and it wasn’t long before
        Riding The Waves of Life                              my arms were tiring and I started to realise I was in trouble.  I
                                                              pressed on to get into a position out of the break where I could
                                                              gather myself and get my breath back when a huge swell came
        Ok, as this magazine has proved on many occasions, I am an   in.  The wave faces were well over 8ft, probably closer to 10ft
        old Surf bum.  I first hit the waves in my youth off the south   and all I could do was duck beneath the force as they crashed on
        coast of England at my local beach.  Highcliffe is a great beach   top of me.  Thankfully, I finally had a lull where I paddled like
        break with a couple of very gnarly points.  The perfect place for   mad to get myself into that safe zone.
        a chilled out childhood.
                                                              I waited for a while to regain my strength, finally got the
        But surfing became a way of life for me in so many ways.  From   nerve to drop into a wave and screamed in pure joy as the ride
        those very early days I found that once I was out in the water,   finished and I found myself back close to the shore line.
        there was no room for thinking about the stresses of life or
        about what was going to happen in the next few days, it was   Surfing is so much of a life lesson.  I believe the biggest lessons
        just me, the waves and the moment.  For a start, if you don’t   are, it teaches you to rely on yourself and it teaches you not to
        concentrate on what you are doing when the waves are big, you   give up.  If I had given up on that big day, I probably would have
                                                              got myself into serious trouble.  I also would not have had the
                                                              reward of riding a huge wave. (Well, at least a huge wave to me.)

                                                              In life, we often find ourselves getting caught up in the big
                                                              waves society throws at us.  Paddling against this can be
                                                              exhausting and fruitless but just every now and then we need to
                                                              push on to get ourselves into a place where we will get the best

                                                              Like the ocean, life is a beautiful thing but sometimes we need
                                                              to learn to work with it.  To find that perfect wave, drop in and
                                                              then ride the path we have chosen.  That is when we will find
                                                              ourselves in perfect harmony with the world.

                                                              As for me, at the grand age of 55, I have returned to the ocean
                                                              to begin surfing again.  It has been a long time since I last surfed
                                                              but many lessons have been learned which I will take into the
                                                              water and begin my search for that perfect wave once again.

                                                              “Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable,
                                                              whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever
                                                              is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything
                                                              worthy of praise, think about these things.”
                                                              Phillipians 4:8

        can very quickly find yourself in a whole world of trouble.  But
        more than that, when everything falls into place you become
        immersed in the task of becoming one with nature.  Pulling into
        that perfect wave and feeling the board flow with the force of
        the ocean is something which is truly spiritual.  In fact, I would
        say it is a ‘pure’ emotion.

        However, there are times when those moments turn into a fight
        for survival with only yourself to rely on to get yourself out of
        trouble.  The ocean is a truly spectacular and beautiful place

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