Page 25 - SAFFER 03
P. 25

Jane on Write Away

                                                              and then try to transform them into either poems or songs.  It
                                                              truly does help.  My partner, a soldier of over 22 years service
                                                              was actually doing the very same thing when we met.  It helped
                                                              him get over some very uncomfortable memories which had
                                                              seriously affected his life.
        Welcome to my update on my lyrics magazine.  Hopefully you
        will all now be aware of what I get up to within the pages of   So, Life in Lyrics is full to the brim of creative writing.  Poems,
        Write Away Magazine.                                  song lyrics? You decide.  However, I will ask for you all to
                                                              consider purchasing my books from my website right here:
        However, this month, I would like to introduce you all to my
        quarterly special, Life in Lyrics.  This is a collection of my own
        work compiled into specials which I have put out on my website   Finally, I would like to thank Vossie
        for the very measly fee of just £2.00.                and Fenderbomb for the
                                                              opportunity to feature both
        So why is Write Away free and Life in Lyrics priced?  Well the   Write Away Magazine and
        latter is my own personal work which I am endevouring to turn   Life in Lyrics within the pages
        in to a career which unfortunately costs money.  So a minimal   of SAFFER Worldwide.
        fee is applied to help me get these things published.  But let’s not
        dwell on monetary matters for the time being.         Until next month
                                                              God bless all
        Life in Lyrics is, for all intents and purposes my story and pain
        from PTSD put into paper form.  Writing these things down   Jane
        has been my way of finding peace in my life.  Forgive me for
        not going into the details of my condition, that, I hope you
        understand is, and will remain a very private matter.  However
        there is a lesson for sufferers from any mental illness.  Just try
        writing your feelings and emotions down on to a piece of paper

        WE NEEd yOU!                                         Here at SAFFER Radio, we cannot do it all alone –

                                                             we need YOU… yes, visualise the picture of the Lord
                                                             Kitchener poster… WE NEED YOU! (Now… I know
                                                             he wasn’t quite as popular as he would’ve believed he
                                                             was… but I’m only after that image…)

                                                             And, you may ask… just why we need you? Simple…
                                                             without you listening and interacting on the chat
                                                             line, we’re only speaking to the wind. There’s nothing
                                                             wrong with that either… but I’m sure you’ll under-
                                                             stand that it’s the camaraderie we’re also after.

        Internet radio? Why? Why bother? Well, the way I     So… I’ve put my case for internet radio… now I’m
        see it, it serves a number of niche functions – espe-  throwing it over to you. We need participation but
        cially useful when veterans get a hold of the platform:  we also need DJ’s – likeminded folk who believe the
        Reaching out directly to specific groups or clubs
        Spreading camaraderie among veterans and friends     For veterans… by veterans – by Saffers for Saffers!
        Reaching out to folk who just need to hear that
        “voice in the wilderness”                            We understand each other, that’s why we need to talk
        Promoting upcoming events and gatherings             with each other! Contact us at
        Stirring memories… and stimulating interaction       or tap on the contact page just below the banner and
        Playing good music – mostly ad free – for veterans,   drop us a line! We’re looking forward to your inter-
        their families and friends                           action, so… get cracking – on the double, WE NEED
        Discussing the bad old days… or NOT!                 YOU!

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