Page 23 - SAFFER 03
P. 23

Feeding The Monster

        many rallies and events. Winter lay-up
        has varied from canal to River Shannon
        and there is usually some work to be
        done in this period.

        92.E has a very prettily shaped hull
        typical of horse-drawn barges of the
        time, the shape making it easy to pass
        through water. The empty hull would
        be a little over twenty tons in weight,
        but cargo capacity was a further fifty
        tons. Hull dimensions are sixty feet in
        length, thirteen feet three inches beam
        and three feet draft (20m x 4m x 1m).
        The hull depth is roughly six feet (1.0
        m). The hull has two metal full height   the cargo and give protection in bad   have been acquired to be the basis of a
        bulkheads dividing the boat into three   weather. The helmsman stood at the tiller   running engine.
        separate compartments. The first ten   in all weathers which was challenging
        feet of the boat from the bow is the crew   at times as boats often travelled the full   As I write 92.E lies alongside 4.E in
        quarters which contained three bunk   twenty-four hours. Canal boats were   Mullingar Harbour on the summit level
        beds and a solid fuel stove for cooking,   traditionally flat bottomed and ideal   of the Royal Canal in the company of
        heating and drying clothes. The ten-foot   for canal and river systems but were   some other heritage boats. Both barges
        section at the stern is the engine room   restricted to reasonably fair-weather   have been here since last October and
        which held the massive single cylinder   conditions on the larger inland lakes.  hopefully by next issue will have started
        Bollinder engine with fuel and water   The decision to bring 92.E back to   on the 2020 boating season.
        tanks on the deck above. The central   her working condition will involve
        section was the cargo hold which was   considerable hull plate repairs, re-  Article and photos by Joe Treacy – follow
        planked throughout over the frames to   decking in timber and of course the   Joe at ...
        keep the cargo of barrels or sacks above   installation of a nineteen twelve era   To keep up to date with all the fun on the
        the hull plates and above any water in   engine. Two Bolinder engines needing   Irish Inland Waterways
        the bilges. Tarpaulins were used to cover   major work and replacement parts

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