Page 28 - SAFFER 03
P. 28

Poetry Corner

        The fur has been loved         As you can see… not only have
        off – so to speak!             I loved the fur off my teddy…
                                       the eyes and others features
        For all you Australians out    have also been the victims of
        there – there’s a Facebook     my affection. Here’s the com-
        group I follow as I grew up in   ment I posted with the photo
        the Koala Land. The group is   of my teddy…
        named “We Grew Up in Aus-
        tralia in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s”.   “Still have mine as well… if
        A recent post brought back     you look closely, my Mum
        memories of the Teddy I grew   embroidered my name on his
        up with. Then… our five-year-  foot… “bearly” there now but
        old granddaughter came home    the memories never fade. His
        with lines to learn… and it all   fur is also “loved off”… I just
        fell into place. The lines went   love that expression!”
        as follows – thanks Charles

        My Teddy Has a Fright
        Sometimes my teddy has a fright
        when there’s a squeak or creak at
        so I cuddle him and hold him
        until he says he feels alright!



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