P. 2
The COVID-19 pandemic had an impact on the mental health of elderly as vulnerable From the study, we know that a good combination
people in Bali. Bali as a place that is rich in natural resources and has a variety of between wellness tourism and cultural tourism for the
traditional cultures in each region, should have good prospects for wellness tourism elderly people post Covid 19 situation. Wellness tourism
motives could be mediated by business players by
development. This study aimed to explore various products of wellness tourism that offering more specific wellness tourism products or
can improve the mental health of elderly in post COVID-19 pandemic based on a services, then it would be clear that the offerings would
nursing perspective be a product development strategy of cultural tourism in
METHODS During the COVID-19 pandemic, the elderly are a priority
target because they are one of the most vulnerable
Descriptive quantitative research with a cross-sectional approach was employed in groups to experience severe conditions when exposed
to COVID-19. The efforts must be made to the elderly,
this study. Sixty-four elderly participated by purposive sampling technique at Elderly
with the hope that mental health can be formed.
Healthy Home “Sada Jiwa” Badung, Bagus Agro Plaga Badung, and Ubud Sari Health Healthy soul, beautiful age is the elderly who can
Resort in Ubud Bali. Each participant was given a questionnaire regarding develop physically, psychologically, spiritually and social
Table 1. The Characteristics of wellness tourism utilization
sociodemographic, anxiety, stress, depression, cognitive, and sleep quality. Data were skills so that they are aware of their abilities, can cope
presented descriptively and SWOT analysis with pressure, work productively and contribute to the
community. There is no elderly person who always feels
mentally healthy throughout his life because in the
RESULT journey of life there will be various obstacles in life.
The role of nurses in nursing tourism can be viewed
from the aspect of promotive, preventive, curative and
rehabilitative is good as a giver health services,
PHYSICAL WELLNESS educators, collaborators, advocates, case managers,
counselors and researchers are expected to be able to
Travelling to enjoy natural scenery that involves improve health status.
physical activity and non physical activities that aim to
make the body fit, such as traditional dance
(Baliness), relaxation, spa, yoga, meditation CONCLUTION
WELLNESS Wellness tourism utilization can improve the mental
Travelling to gain meaning in
life, for example visiting Tourism activities that health of elderly in post COVID-19 pandemic. The
historical place of worship to can provide knowledge nursing sector can contribute to improving the mental
pray, visiting the graves of to tourists such as the Table 2. Mental Health of the elderly who take advantage of Wellness Tourism health of the elderly through collaboration with the
prominent figures, visiting practice of making
historical sites for pre-dawn traditional herbal • Bali is a tourism destination tourism industry.
Baliness ritual
medicine, gardening, and • Culture Uniqueness ANKNOWLEDGMENTS
workshop of Baliness • More than 3000 forign elderly people
ceremonial equipment have stayed in Bali Thank you to Udayana University, Elderly Healthy Home
• Good of Nursing Education in Bali
• Good curriculum in Nursing “Sada Jiwa” Badung, Bagus Agro Plaga Badung, Ubud
EMOTIONAL • Transcultural Nursing Concept Sari Health Resort in Ubud Bali, and all participants.
SOCIAL WELLNESS WELLNESS • Bali is lack of Elderly Fasilities
• Elderly people do not have a media Reference
The activities allow Elderly tourist’s reactions together
elderly tourist interac to certain activities Bali Government Tourism. (2021). Release of Official Statistical Data.
with other people, such trough consultation with • Bali is an aging province
as sing the Baliness health experts, such as • Parents are responsibility of the Al-Zahrani, J. (2021). SARS-CoV-2 associated COVID-19 in geriatric population: A
brief narrative review. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, 28(1), 738.
song, Baliness dance participating in healthy children Twidy Tarcia, M. Rumawas, O. Tjandra, L. Gustaman. (2021). Memelihara
WELLNESS TOURISM lifestyle counseling • Government regulation of the elderly Kesehatan jiwa untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup lansia di masa Pandemi COVID-
• Bali is an aging province 19. Pintar Opini Untar. Vol. 2. ISSN. 2746 - 9018
Walid Kamal Abdelbasset. (2020). Stay Home: Role of Physical Exercise Training in
• Parents are responsibility of the children Elderly Individuals’ Ability to Face the COVID-19 Infection. Journal of Immunology
Picture/ Figure 1. Wellness Tourism Activities in Bali • Government regulation of the elderly Reserch.
4 Udayana International Nursing Conference