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Factors Affecting Spiritual Intelligence of Nurses
at a City Hospital in Indonesia
Shinta Galih Kartika (1), Laili Rahayuwati *(2), Efri Widianti (3), Habsyah Saparidah Agustina (4)
INTRODUCTION Spiritual Intelligent Total DISCUSSION
Variable Low High
f % f % f %
Spiritual intelligence deals with meaning and value, allowing Age Research on the spiritual intelligence of nurses in hospitals
one to understand the purpose of life and the basis of his 18-40 years old 119 52.4 108 47.6 227 100 indicates that over half of nurse respondent had low
spiritual intelligence. This might happen owing to various
action to make decisions and overcome difficulties. 41-60 years old 3 25 9 75 12 100
> 60 years old 0 0 0 0 0 0 causes, for example, a low degree of spiritual intelligence
Aim: The study aimed to determine nurses' spiritual
Gender induced by a comparatively youthful age and lack of job
intelligence at Bandung City Regional General Hospital Male 29 43.3 38 56.7 67 100 experience. That is comparable to research indicating that
based on their characteristics. Female 93 54.1 79 45.9 172 100 life events and spiritual experiences can have a beneficial
Experience influence on spiritual intelligence levels (27).
METHODS < 2 years 32 50.0 32 50.0 64 100
2-10 years
54.0 58 46.0 126 100
> 10 years 22 44.9 27 55.1 49 100 CONCLUSION
This research used a descriptive quantitative method and Education
Nursing High School 1 50.0 1 50.0 2 100
Spiritual Intelligence of Self Report Inventory (SISRI-24) to Diploma 98 51.0 94 49.0 192 100 The research concluded that more than half of the
collect the data. The respondents were 239 nurses selected Bachelor 24 51.1 22 48.9 45 100 respondents have a low level of spiritual intelligence. This
using the total population technique. The univariate analysis Position result is based on the characteristics of the nurses, such
was used to explain the various levels of spiritual intelligence Nurse 113 53.6 98 46.4 211 100 as those aged 41-60 years old, male, have more than 10-
Head of team 7 41.2 10 58.,8 17 100 year tenure, Nursing School graduates, head nurses, and
based on the nurse's characteristics. Head of room 2 18.2 9 81.8 11 100 nurses assigned at a hemodialysis unit. Therefore,
Unit holding ESQ training is recommended, especially for
RESULT Emergency Room 11 39.3 17 60.7 28 100 nurses relatively new to the job.
33.3 15 100
66.7 5
Outpatients 63 53.4 55 46.6 118 100
The results show that the nurses' spiritual intelligence in ICU 12 63.2 7 36.8 19 100 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
Bandung City Regional General Hospital is 49% high and PICU/NICU 9 45.0 11 55.0 20 100
51% low. It was also discovered that a high level of spiritual Hemodialisis 2 22.2 7 77.8 9 100
intelligence was based on the following characteristics: IBS 15 50.0 15 50.0 30 100 For this work, I am grateful to the Indonesian Ministry of
aged 41-60 years old, male, and on more-than-10-year Table I. Spiritual Intelligent based on Nurse’s Research, Technology and Higher Education. This
tenure, Nursing School graduates, head nurses and nurses Characteristic (n=239) research would not have been possible without the help
assigned at a hemodialysis unit. of Prof. Rina Indiastuti, Universitas Padjadjaran Rector.
Grade CET (Critical PMP TA CSE
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Thinking) Meaning Awarness) State
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4 Udayana International Nursing Conference