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Home Based Rehabilitation And Telerehabilitation Interventions
For Post Stroke Patients: A Rapid Review
Hesti Platini, Yusshy Kurnia H , Siti Nuraidah
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran
INTRODUCTION Home-based is also the right intervention to reduce the
disability of post-stroke patients, with minimal expenses, and
Stroke is a cerebrovascular disorder that develops rapidly
over 24 hours. Individuals with stroke usually have can satisfy health workers (Saadatnia et al., 2019).
difficulty with daily activities so they need a rehabilitation CONCLUTION
program after a stroke. Stroke rehabilitation can be carried There are various interventions that can be carried out in
out in hospital rehabilitation units, nursing facilities and home based rehabilitation and telerehabilitation programs that
home based rehabilitation. In addition, the development of are effectively used in post-stroke patients to restore skills lost From From shutterstock
technology has led to a stroke rehabilitation program during a stroke such as speaking and physical activity. • Evaluation of the home environment and
modification of hazards,
based on telehealth rehabilitation that utilizes the internet ACKNOWLEDGMENT HREPro • Guiding the patient on how to walk safely at
and technology Adibha Adi Amani, Syifa Lutfiah, Ayuni Putri K student faculty of Intervention→significant • Fostering nurse-patient communication so that
improvement in motor
METHODS nursing (PPN [Program Profesi Ners]) who was contributed in this ability, ability to perform ADL • Comprehensive physical exercise
function, flexibility, walking
This study uses a rapid review research design with a
population, intervention, comparison, and outcome (PICO)
strategy. Search articles using three databases, namely Home-Based dengan • The rehabilitation exercise lasted for 3 months,
with passive and active exercises, strength,
DVD→Promote the
PubMed, EBSO and science direct by using the keywords development of limb and improving flexibility and balance
home rehabilitation OR rehabilitation AND stroke Articles functional capacity, ADL, and • The first month is a warm-up and flexibility
independence of
were selected based on inclusion and exclusion criteria rehabilitation patients • The second month is strength and resistance
training, and in the last month the respondent
which were then evaluated using The Joanna Briggs (Saadatnia et al., 2019) will do balance and walking exercises.
Institute (JBI) Critical Appraisal Tools. Inclusion criteria: the
article has a complete manuscript, published between Telehealth Rehabilitation
2012 - 2022, with a minimum quasi-experimental design Web-Based Blood Pressure • Blood pressure monitoring intervention uses
supporting equipment such as smartphones
and in English. Rehabilitation→mHealth has and upper arm wireless blood pressure
monitors, which of course participants already
understand how to use.
RESULT excellent utility and provides • Participants were trained on the use of
better hypertension control
wireless equipment for SMBP (Self
than conventional care in
The results of a literature search from the three databases stroke rehabilitation patients Management Blood Pressure)
found 8 articles obtained RCT articles that matched and
discussed home-based rehabilitation and telerehabilitation. Reference
Interventions that can be used in home based rehabilitation
are HREPro interventions, home based with DVD, and Asano, M., Tai, B. C., Yeo, F. Y. T., Yen, S. C., Tay, A., Ng, Y. S., Silva, D. A. De,
home based using video. Interventions that can be done Caves, K., Chew, E., Hoenig, H., & Koh, G. C. (2019). Home-based tele-
with telerehabilitation are web-based telerehabilitation, rehabilitation presentscomparable positive impact on self-reported functional
Singapore tele-technology and telesupervision outcomes as usual care : The Singapore Tele-technology Aided Rehabilitation in Stroke
randomised trial. X19868905
DISCUSSION Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2021). Recovering From Stroke.
Chen, S., Lv, C., Wu, J., Zhou, C., Shui, X., & Wang, Y. (2020).
The HREPro intervention is a rehabilitation intervention Effectiveness of a home-based exercise program among patients with lower limb
program to individual needs carried out by APRN nurses spasticity post- stroke : A randomized controlled trial. Asian Nursing Research, xxxx.
who have received physiotherapy training. video
Chen, S., Lv, C., Wu, J., Zhou, C., Shui, X., & Wang, Y. (2021). Effectiveness of a
surveillance methods will make patients minimize their visit home-based exercise program among patients with lower limb spasticity post- stroke:
time to health facilities (Emmerson et al., 2016). A randomized controlled trial. Asian Nursing Research, 15(1), 1–7.
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