Page 51 - Martial Science Magazine April 2018
P. 51

GICHIN FUNAKOSHI                                                   karate  art was only  practiced  on

                                                                                    closed doors.

                                                                                    In the end of the decade of 1910,
                             船越義珍                                                   Funakoshi had numerable students
                                                                                    that  could  do without  problems,

                           The Father of the modern karate                          teach and lure adepts to his martial
                                                                                    art style, and make the people had
                                                                                    interest to the martial art.

                he master Gichin Funakoshi,  On this period, the trains some        For two times, Funakoshi went to
                was one premature on Novem-     karate styles, between them, the    the Continental  Japan to venture
           Tber 10, 1868 in Shuri, the pro-     Shōrei ryū style (昭霊流) & Shōrin-    himself, in the years of 1917 and
            vince of Okinawa.Nowadays, it is a  ryū  (少林  流) named in 1933 by       1922. In 1922,  Funakoshi  gains
            district on the city of Naha, in the  master Chosin Chiban, being one   admiration and the friendship of
            island of Okinawa, but in the old  of the oldest styles of Okinawa.     a remarkable person at that time,
            times, it was an ancient city in the  The trainings were always per-    Kanō Jigorō (嘉納 治五郎) Japa-
            capital of Ryukyu.                  formed at night, by the fact that   nese athlete and the judo founder,
                                                martial arts were not well-seen by   that also was impressed by with the
            Funakoshi was the only child of  society  at that time, the trainings   excellence  of Funakoshi techni-
            Gisu, he was brought to live with  were very rough and the Master       ques, and asked him some lessons,
            his grandparents.                   Anko’s karate methods include the   and then, Funakoshi started to visit
                                                fists practice, kicks and kata.     Kano no Kodokan , the judo word
            As he entered on the primary                                            temple for the knowledge changes.
            school, Funakoshi meets  Anko  Master Asato had an own kata tra-
            Asato’s son (糸 洲 安 恒) a Karate  ining method that was called (hito      In the  year of 1930, Funakoshi
            Master, that due to the friendship  kata san nen) a Kata practiced in   creates the Dai-Nihon Karate-do
            between Gichin Funakoshi and his  3 years.                              Kenkyukai  with  the  intention  of
            son, Funakoshi starts to go fre-                                        conveying  the  teachings  between
            quently to his house, and then he  After  years of training,  Funakos-  the students of karate-do, in the
            strengthens his friendship  bonds  hi starts to feel the benefits of the   year of 1936 he changes the name
            with the Master Anko’s family.      karate art, because being him a     again to Dai-Nippon Karate-do
                                                person fragile and sloppy as a      Kenkyukai.
            Even having passed the admission  child, now he is full physical force
            exam on the college to the medicine  and with a better health, due to the   In the  year of 1936, Funakoshi
            course, Funakoshi  didn’t  frequent  karate practice.                   built the first (松濤館 Shōtōkan) In
            the college  because of political                                       Tokyo, he had the idea of changing
            issues of the time. Being  a philo-  During the visit of the school ins-  the karate name to ‘’empty hand’’ (
            sophy student and classic chinese  pector of the Kagoshima Shintaro     空手) that before was called ‘’Chi-
            and japanese teachings, Funakoshi  Ogawa in the year of 1902, Fu-       na’s hand’’ (唐 手).
            started to work as an assistant tea-  nakoshi impressed everyone with
            cher in Okinawa.                    his karate  demonstrations, inclu-  Funakoshi continues in Tokyo tea-
                                                ding  the  Ogawa Inspector  that    ching in definite form, in the year
            After  some time going to Master  made an immediate report to the       of 1949, the  Funakoshi  students
            Anko’s house, Funakoshi starts to  education  ministry, talking  about   create the Japan Karate Associa-
            make night trips to Asato’s house to  the art virtues and so the karate   tion (JKA), still having the Gichin
            receive karate instructions.        becomes  officially  authorized  on   Funakoshi as the honorary boss of
                                                the schools, because until then the   the JKA, however, in the practice,

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