Page 53 - Martial Science Magazine April 2018
P. 53

The Tambo

                is extremely

                and versatile

                martial arts




             The author presents this work: Tambo Jutsu, his           primary  book  in  a  series  of  three  volumes
             about this peculiar weapon comparable to a               short stick.  The technique of Tambo Jutsu first
             appeared within the kinds of Samurais in feu-           dal Japan and expanded through the Ninjas
             Schools’ from the year 1868 to 1912. In the            light of the Revolution of the Meiji Era a period of
             230 years of airtight and isolation had fini-         shed. This, then, is when some Masters started to
             teach their abilities about foreign martial          arts.
             The idea of this book is built upon an adjust-  ment of ancestral techniques to modern times on the
             foundation of the peculiar teaching metho-   dology of Sensei Henry Binerfa, and not on the basis of tra-
             ditional schools. In particular, he presents his concept for teaching gradually, and keeps nearness with the
             cultural and historical Japanese ancestry.  The content of this book embraces some basic aspects of the te-
             chnique, such as: Stances, types of grips, blocking and striking techniques, and a section about  self-defense
             to face punch, kicks, grips and weapons attack. The techniques on this book are just a
             part of the syllabus for teaching Tambo Jutsu at ShinKaiDo Ryu school which comprise   BUY
             more than 12, 445 combinations for attacks and defense in Tambo Jutsu..

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