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               Therefore,  the  purpose  of  this  study  is  twofold;  first,  to  propose  automation  workflow  for  event
               management  in  the  context  of  innovation  exhibition and  second,  to  briefly  explain  the  design  and
               development  of  a  new  secretariat  management  system.  The  subsequent  sections  are  structured  as
               follows. First, we explained the literature review of the study, second, we discuss the methodology of
               the study. Third, findings are described. Fourth, the discussion and conclusion of the future study were
                                                    Literature Review
               Event  management  is  a  multi-billion  industry  (Lee  &  Taylor,  2005;  Shannon,  1999;  Miller,  2010;
               Glahn,  Israel,  Rose,  Schulz,  Sharma,  &  Wall,  2019;  Haugen  &  Krumer,  2021).  However,  the
               emergency of COVID-19 has caused a great downfall to most of the event management players, to a
               total of over 1000 billion (Madray, 2020). The impact of COVID-19 does not end in the live event
               industry; it also impacts several industries such as education, tourism, hospitalism, e-sports, etc. For
               example,  UNWTO  (2020)  reported  that  the  tourism  industry  was  badly  hit;  international  arrival
               dropped by 73% worldwide; subsequently, in the context of Malaysia, the international arrival and
               tourism dropped slightly higher to 83% reduction.

               In  the  context  of  information  system  management,  the  pandemic  of  COVID-19  offers  to  improve
               opportunities  and  demand  (He,  Zhang,  &  Li,  2021).  Many  systems  were  developed  to  cater  for  a
               different kind of application to tackle the pandemic of COVID-19. For example,  Yuan and Chung
               (2021)  work  on  information  system  management  by  proposing  the  best  practices  of  software
               engineering that are based on web applications. They concluded that (1) the design and development
               should  consider  adopting  Object-Oriented  Design  and  MVC  to  ensure  logical  and  more  structural
               design, (2) the importance to ensure that MySQL table and columns follow its designated rules, and
               (3) the importance of database integrity.

               In  another  work,  Julian  and  Triayudi  (2021)  investigate  the  level  of  user  satisfaction  of  the  event
               management  system  due  to  several  reasons  (1)  cost  of  processing,  (2)  human  resources,  (3)  long
               queuing, and (4) data loss. The findings of the study indicated that most respondents are very satisfied
               with the usage of the event management system. Moreover, it is found out that the management of a
               free  event  is  more  intense  and  involves  more  tasks  compared  to  the  paid  events;  there  the
               development of the event management system must put these issues into consideration in the design
               and development process.

               The study follows several empirical stages. First, a content analysis was conducted to identify the
               automation  workflow  of  event  management.  Second,  Joint  Application  Design  (JAD)  session  was
               conducted with several respondents to gain insight into the requirements and needs of the stakeholder.
               Third, the proposed information system was developed based on Rapid Application Development.

               Content analysis was performed in two phases. First, we study related literature on event management
               and information system  management related to the design and development of similar information
               systems. In the second phase, we look upon reports, forms, and procedures from several innovation
               events  (Kelantan  International  Learning  and  Innovation  Exhibition  2019,  Virtual  innovation
               Competition 2020, and International Information Management Online Showcase 2020).

               Joint  Application  Design  (JAD)  session  was  conducted  with  several  stakeholders  that  have  the
               following  characteristics:  (1)  number  of  academic  experiences  of  more  than  5  years,  (2)  possess
               experience in managing events related to innovation, and (3) previous experience as participants of

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