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such events. Following the procedure from our previous works, the session was conducted using
Google Meet.
Next, the Rapid Application Development (RAD) methodology was adopted to guide the system
development based on Martin (1991). The methodology consists of 4 stages: requirement planning
phase, user design phase, construction phase, and cutover phase.
Result and Discussion
Automation Workflow
Figure 1 shows the automation workflow for managing innovation events. The process starts with the
project submission through the website. Participants will usually use the registration form provided.
Once received, the organizer will have to check the new project based on several criteria: (1)
relevancy of project to the event theme, (2) accuracy of information, (3) completeness, and (4)
sensitivity of the project in contrast to local norm and policy. The project that meets all the criteria
will be inserted into the master list of the event and an official letter of acceptance (LOA) will be
produced. Next, the LOA will be sent to the participants through email addresses. The participant will
be given ample time to complete their video submission. Once participants are ready, they will need to
submit the subsequent document to complete their participation – presentation video, payment receipt
and/or supporting evidence. The secretariat will then check the submitted video for suitability and
censorship, before proceeding with uploading the video to the YouTube Channel for further
assessment by the event juries.
Figure 1. Automation Workflow
Database Design
The following figure 2 shows the database design for the proposed information system development.
In total, there are six attributes namely project, user, log, category, assessment, and rubric. Table
USER stores information regarding the participants; such as - name, email address, organization, and
organization address. Table project stores information regarding all the projects submitted to the event
and it is linked directly to a specific user. One user may have a minimum of one project and a
maximum of more than one project. Each project is linked to the rubric. One rubric is designated to a
separate category of projects. Next, one project will have one or more assessments (depending on
setting by organizer). It is suggested that the event organizer MUST at least conducted a minimum of
two assessments for a project to ensure the reliability of the assessment. The category meanwhile
contains a separate division of the project submission and assessment, as well as results, which are
based on the separate category. Log meanwhile store record of the transaction for each activity
conducted within the information system to safeguard and protect the authenticity of the transaction.