Page 8 - DESAIN revisi
P. 8

Untuk lebih mendalami dan memahami materi procedure
               text, mari kita perhatikan penjelasan berikut!

                     A. Definition of Procedure Text

               There are three definitions of procedure text:

                     Texts  that  explain  how  something  works  or
                       how to use instruction/operation manuals e.g.
                       how to use the video, the computer, the tape
                       recorder, the photocopier, the fax
                     Texts  that  instruct  how  to  do  a  particular
                       activity  e.g.  recipes,  rules  for  games,  science
                       experiments, road safety rules.
                     Texts that deal with human behavior, e.g. how
                       to live happily, how to succeed

                   In conclusion, procedure text is a text that explain
               or tells us about how to do something that contains
               explanation about how something should be done in

               sequenced of steps.

                     B. Social Function of Procedure Text

                     The purpose of a Procedure Text is to tell the
                      reader how to do or make something

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