Page 57 - 18-24 Sept 19, 21
P. 57
By: Alice Hen
On Sukkos, we sit down for several hefty meals maybe a little shorter than what you are used to.
with our family and friends but remember, the
holiday is not about the food but rather the
gathering of people to eat together only in the Sukkos and Nutrition:
Sukkah. This holiday, focus on everything around
you instead of the food. Some people believe that holidays and nutrition just
With so many people to see, decorations to don’t go hand in hand. We cook plenty and tend to forget
that ingredients add up. We then eat plenty all the while
admire, kids to entertain and tasks to make the
holiday complete, you’ll have your hands full and forgetting the cooking process in which oils and fats and
sugars and doughs were used in abundance.
can leave room just for the food you’ve planned
to eat. But why do so many people feel that holidays MUST
incorporate as much fatty, fried and unhealthy foods?
Let’s make this Sukkos that much better by Let’s face it… while we might like to deny this, calories do
sticking to our healthy decisions. in fact count regardless if it’s a holiday or not. Each bite,
lick, taste, snack, treat and meal.
Before Sukkos: One thing our torah teaches us is that our self preservation
is one of the most important things to maintain. This of
course includes our health and well being. We’re happiest
The week before Sukkos is understandably very hectic.
and better off when we’re healthy because nutrition is
Plan your meals for each day the night before. It may
be helpful to have them completely prepared in the something that affects us in
all senses; physically, mentally, spiritually...
refrigerator so that in all the hecticness you do not end up
just grabbing something you shouldn't.
If you incorporate healthy eating and a steady fitness
regimen, your body, mind and spirit will feel better,
energetic, stronger and motivated which all affect the
other aspects of our lives.
Do not neglect your workouts! Your cooking and errands
will get done, make sure you
Pay attention to the differences as you begin your journey
and throughout. Track your progress so you can look
don't forget about yourself and get in as many workouts as
back to see how far you’ve come. Notice how different
you possibly can, even if they
things may improve such as your ability to focus, your
motivation, your levels of productivity
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Sep 15 '21 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • E-37