Page 58 - 18-24 Sept 19, 21
P. 58
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have to limit ourselves to greens and lamb, there is no rule
and efficiency, your sleeping patterns and habits, your saying we must cook in fat.
mood and attitude, etc…
This Sukkos, remember that you CAN provide healthy
Now, if you’re already well into your healthy lifestyle, then and delicious holiday meals, not only for yourself but for
just remember how much better you feel when you ARE your family and friends too! Share the healthy!
sticking to your healthy and NON RESTRICTIVE eating
habits along with a doable fitness routine even if it’s as
simple as taking a walk twice a week. BONUS!
Stick to your portions, don’t skip your usual fitness One of the mitzvahs is to eat in the sukkah which means
routines and PLAN your cheats. If you plan to cheat with we can make a point of preparing dishes that are easy to
food, you’ll know what to expect and will be less tempted transport with an equally easy clean up such as salads, cut
to throw in the towel in the face of a holiday buffet. If you up fruits and vegetables, vegetable kugels, veggie patties,
plan to cheat with fitness, etc…
it’s super simple… plan to make it up!
When all is said and done, you can pat yourself on The Basics:
the back in spite of the cheats because you handled
it preemptively; you planned and made the decisions
-Eat/drink ONLY the minimum required amount of
without the influences of what you might see and smell at challah and grape juice
the table. Consider it a ‘job well done’.
-Portion your plate. Place ONE protein (or a combo of
For those thinking of beginning the journey of a healthy two), a small serving of starch (if no challah), and lots
lifestyle, don’t wait! A holiday is just another excuse to of vegetables. With this guideline in mind you can eat at
push off something you know is important to you. The anyone's table as long as you portion correctly.
main question I get asked is “should I start after the
chagim?”. My response is “strike the -There is often a long stretch between the meals. To avoid
iron while it’s hot”.
overeating because of hunger, make sure to fill up on a
healthy nutritious snack, or a light meal ahead of time.
So, this time you’re going to hold off because of a holiday,
Some examples include: 1/2 cup low fat cottage cheese
next time it will be because of vacation and the time after with fruits or veggies, 1 Tablespoon
that it will be because you have so much going on that you
low fat peanut butter+ an apple, fruit smoothie made
can’t possibly devote the time and effort to… what? Make with skim milk (count the fruits), or any approved snack
some small improvements or treat.
to your life in order to reap the plethora of benefits that a
healthy lifestyle has to offer?
-Always try to avoid sitting at the table by a meal for
hours. Distract yourself by serving, clearing, sitting on the
I say “pish tosh!”. NOW is the best time to start and couch, or playing with the kids.
it’s perpetually fleeting! Later will always be there so,
relinquish all the excuses and devote just a little effort to
-Change the flavor in your mouth to let you know you
making sure you’re the best possible “YOU”.
are done with the meal. Take a piece of gum, or make
yourself a tea for example.
Remember that the holidays from their origins, never
included fried foods and pastries but rather fresh and -For Chol Hamoed trips, be prepared! Eat breakfast
healthy foods from nature around us. While we don’t
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E-38 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • Sep 15 '21