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before you head out and take a bag with everything you
-The goal is to stay the same.
need in it! You can freeze vitamin water ahead of time and
have a refreshing drink to sip on throughout the day.
-Protein is not free- nothing fried, nothing too saucy
-Stick to matzah, because challah sticks to you. Even if you
-Take breaks. Most of us begin the meal with good
are able to eat 1 thin slice of challah on a typical Shabbos,
yom tov season brings with it 27 washing opportunities. intentions and lots of willpower, but as the meal continues,
Have up to 1 whole matza per meal + 1 tablespoon dip. our resolve weakens. Get up and take a walk, help serve
and clear or even move to the couch if you need to.
-Don’t starve before seuda - if you aren’t eating lunch
until 3:00pm, you need a breakfast, snack, fruit, etc, and - Take walks and drink your water. This will help your
possibly even a second snack, all before the meal. metabolism from getting too sluggish.
-Cheats: If there is something special for Yom Tov that you -No order, no times, but eat something every 2-3
really don’t want to miss (and I believe you shouldn’t!), hours. - see sample schedule below.
have it in the following manner: Seated, plated, portioned,
and not on an empty stomach. Then, enjoy your treat
without guilt!
When there is no routine in your day, it is
-The yom tov meals are late and the night meals are very your job to put in a routine - don’t worry
late therefore, pre-eat night meals by having some of your
portion of protein and possibly some soup before the about what everyone else is doing!
lunch and dinner seudas.
-Load up on vegetables, especially on erev yom tov. Be
creative and make it fancy so you won’t have to sit around HAPPY HOLIDAY!
with your arms folded while everyone else is indulging.
Alice Hen
- Don't forget to drink! 8-10 cups water is recommended
Alice Hen is a Nutrition Counselor and Manager at Nu-
trition by Tanya with 12 locations including a branch in
Williamsburg right on Spencer street. Alice knows that Borough Park
making healthy choices is not always easy as she has been Williamsburg
through the struggle herself. As an optimistic person, Alice's New Square
favorite quote is: "It's never too late to start eating better. If Five Towns
you have a bad morning, make it a better afternoon." For Lakewood
more information on Nutrition by Tanya or the TAP (Tanya Monsey
approved products) food line, please visit www.nutrition- Jerusalem or call 844-Tanya-Diet (844-826-9234). For New Square
daily tips and inspiration, follow us @nutritionbytanya on Upstate
Instagram. Our NEW Gluten free cookbook (and volume 1 Deal
Page 3
Cooking with Tanya) is now available at Judaica stores, our
locations, or on our website at
Sep 15 '21 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • E-39