Page 102 - 18-23 Sept 9, 21
P. 102
Daiquiri Mousse
wraps Yom tov Dessert
Prepare the Strawberry Daiquiri Mousse
Strawberry Daiquiri
Mousse Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit (175 degrees Celsius).
Pulse sandwich cookies in your food processor using the S blade until
15 vanilla sandwich ¿ne crumbs form. 0elt margarine and combine with crumbs. Pat into
cookies the bottom of a 10 inch ( 6 centimeter) springform pan and bake for
tablespoons margarine 10±1 minutes, or until lightly browned.
1 (16 o] )bag fro]en whole
strawberries, defrosted to Wipe out your food processor bowl well and place strawberries
room temperature inside. Blend until fully pureed. You should have about two cups
3 tablespoons white rum of strawberry puree. 'ivide in half. Add rum, lime Muice, and
1 teaspoon /ime Juice confectioners¶ sugar to one half, whisking to combine. Set both halves
1 cup Confectioners aside.
1 (16 o]) parve whipping Beat the parve whipping cream in your mixer until soft peaks form.
topping, defrosted but cold Add the instant vanilla pudding mix and beat for several additional
3 ounces Instant Vanilla minutes or until stiϑ. Pour into a large bowl and place in the
Pudding mix refrigerator.
3 egg whites Wash and dry mixer bowl very well and beat egg whites until soft
1 3 cup sugar peaks form. Add 1 3 cup sugar and beat until stiϑ.
fresh strawberries, for
garnish 5emove bowl with whipping cream mixture from the refrigerator and
mint, for garnish slowly pour the cup of plain strawberry puree into it, about 1 cup at
additional whipped cream, a time, mixing gently after each addition. Fold in the egg whites and
for garnish (optional) mix gently until combined. Pour over the crust in the pan and smooth
the top as much as possible. Pour the spiked strawberry puree on top
Sommelier Suggests of the mousse and free]e.
Chateau de Rayne Vigneau 7o serve, remove from free]er several minutes before plating
Sauternes 01 to soften slightly. *arnish with fresh strawberries and mint, and
additional whipped cream, if desired.
Y-9 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • September 9 '21