Page 99 - 18-23 Sept 9, 21
P. 99


                          Pu’nch Cake

             wraps  Yom tov Dessert

           INGREDIENTS            DIRECTIONS
           Cakes                  Prepare the Cake
                                  Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit.
              eggs, seSarated
             cuS sugar            ,n the EoZO oI an eOeFtriF Pi[er  Eeat egg Zhites XntiO stiϑ. 6OoZO\ add
             and     cuSs Àour    in sXgar. :ith the Pi[er on OoZ  add ÀoXr  then shXt oϑ Pi[er and
                                  ¿nish Pi[ing in the ÀoXr E\ hand Xsing a sSatXOa.
           Chocolate Brandy       PoXr haOI oI the Eatter into a greased    [  3 inFh EaNing San.
                                  /ine a hard  not disSosaEOe  EaNing sheet Zith a riP Zith SarFhPent
           6 ounces chocolate,    SaSer and ErXsh it Zith oiO. PoXr the other haOI oI the Eatter onto the
           choSSed                SreSared EaNing sheet. 7he FaNe on the EaNing sheet ZiOO EaNe Ior
                                  PinXtes  the FaNe in the    [  3 inFh San ZiOO need a OittOe Oonger.
             cuSs    sticks
           margarine, at room     Prepare the Cream
           temSerature            0eOt FhoFoOate over a doXEOe EoiOer. ,n a Sot  ZhisN together eggs and
             eggs                 sugar. Cook until warm and smooth. You can strain this mixture if
           3   cuS sugar          desired.
             tablesSoon instant   In the bowl of an electric mixer, beat margarine. Add in melted
           coϑee                  chocolate, egg mixture, coϑee, and brand\ and blend until smooth.
           5 tablesSoons brand\
                                  Note: 7his can be done in advance.
           Pink Glaze
                                  Cut the    x  3 inch cake into one inch striSs, then cubes. In a large
             and     cuSs         bowl, combine cake cubes with one and a half to two cuSs chocolate
           Confectioners  6ugar   cream. 0ix until the cake and cream are thoroughl\ combined. You
             tablesSoon oil       want to mix carefull\ so it doesn¶t get too mush\.
             tablesSoon *raSe
           Juice                  0eanwhile, ÀiS the Àat cake onto another baking sheet and Seel oϑ the
             tablesSoons hot      Sarchment. 6Sread two thirds of a cuS of the chocolate cream in a thin
                                  la\er over the cake.
           whiSSed toSSing        6lice the Àat cake in half hori]ontall\. Add the ¿lling in an even la\er
           cream, for garnish     over one half. 7urn the other la\er over, on toS of the ¿lling.
                                  PreSare the gla]e. :hisk together confectioners¶ sugar, oil, and graSe
                                  Muice, and slowl\ add in water. Add more sugar or water if needed to
                                  reach gla]e consistenc\. 6Sread gla]e over the entire toS of the cake.
                                  6lice the cake in half into two long log shaSes. Ice the sides of the cake
                                  with remaining chocolate cream  it¶s easier to get it Serfectl\ smooth if
                                  \ou free]e the cake and ice the sides of the cake a second time then .
                                  PiSe with whiSSed cream toSSing along the edges for garnish.

         September 9 '21        The Bulletin  718.387.0123  •       Y-12
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