Page 103 - 18-23 Sept 9, 21
P. 103
Readers Respond
With Helpful Solutions
Bad Smell
For bad smell in mouth is good to take
Looking for a solution for a brand new
a good pro biotic
cosmetic bag that has terrible sort of
fish smell. Tried already ammonia and
vinegar but still has some of the smell.
Thanks scars from stitches
forever living has an amazing natural
cream aloe gelly for scars from stitches.
If it's an old scar they have Alpha e.
Clean CZ Ring
Can get it by calling 718-797-4316.
Hi, how can I clean my CZ ring?
About a natural cream to remove
TMJ bruises or scars, the company MR has a
Im answering the question for help cream for it, I think that the company Dr.
with TMJ specialist. I was suffering Christopher also has a cream for it. you
from migraine headache. Till someone can ask for it in the health food store.
told me that it came from TMJ cuz of
misalignment. And i treated it through
Craniosacral work. After the first I used Maderma cream more than once
session i saw results bh. for my kids after stitches and it really
helped take away the scars left. Also,
make sure not to get direct contact with
To the reader who asked about TMJ: I sunlight on that spot as can worsen it.
had it too. I ate only blended food for C. D.
two weeks. Because it didn’t help I did
it for another two weeks and my TMJ
was almost completely gone after that! Crayon Marks
Even though it’s hard it pays because Does anyone have an idea how to
the only other options are continuing take of crayon marks from linen, that
to suffer or surgery. was dried in the dryer together with
Also, even once it’s better, don’t ever crayons? Thank you!
chew gum, almonds, bite off scotch
tape or anything like that. Good luck!
These are real questions that
bad smell in their mouth were submitted to us, by local
“balabustes” just like you!
For the one that suffers from a bad These are real questions that were
smell in their mouth: I had the same To answer these questions or to
submitted to us, by local “Balabustes”
problem & a dentist recommended submit your own you can contact
just like you!
i should use Dr. Katz's TheraBreath our READERS RESPONSE team.
To answer these questions or to
products. I used the toothpaste, submit your own you can contact our
mouthwash, & lozenges. BH I got rid of
my bad breath. Hatzlucha!
September 9 '21 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • Y-8