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The great part about finding alternative According to studies conducted on
stress relief methods is that they work! thousands of women across many
After choosing a better form of stress countries and cultures, concern about
relief several times, it will become easier weight ranked as number one or two
to make that choice - Emotional eating is on women’s priority list - higher than
just a habit, and like all habits, it can be financial concerns, job concerns, and for
broken and replaced with new habits! 4. some women, even higher than concerns
Learn to be comfortable with discomfort. about their relationships! Something this
It is ok to be worried, anxious, jealous, important to us deserves our time and
resentful, or overwhelmed - you do not attention. Investing the time, effort, and
have to numb these feelings. We are money to make sure that stress eating
generally so determined to go back to our doesn’t get to you this holiday season is a
comfortable “baseline” that we quickly worthwhile priority!
numb our feelings with food. Challenge
yourself to accept the uncomfortable
feelings, acknowledge them, but not force Alice
them away with food. The discomfort will
pass soon enough, without you hurrying
it along.
Alice Hen is a Nutrition Counselor and Manager at Nu-
trition by Tanya with 12 locations including a branch in
Williamsburg right on Spencer street. Alice knows that Borough Park
making healthy choices is not always easy as she has been Williamsburg
through the struggle herself. As an optimistic person, Alice's New Square
favorite quote is: "It's never too late to start eating better. If Five Towns
you have a bad morning, make it a better afternoon." For Lakewood
more information on Nutrition by Tanya or the TAP (Tanya Monsey
approved products) food line, please visit www.nutrition- Jerusalem or call 844-Tanya-Diet (844-826-9234). For New Square
daily tips and inspiration, follow us @nutritionbytanya on Upstate
Instagram. Our NEW Gluten free cookbook (and volume 1 Deal
Page 3
Cooking with Tanya) is now available at Judaica stores, our
locations, or on our website at
August 18 '21 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • Y-18