Page 81 - 18-20_Aug 18, 2021
P. 81


                          STRESS EATING

                                                                  By: Alice Hen

              I need more space for the guests to   If any of this seems even remotely familiar
              sleep...Chaya Rochel already finished   to you, you are dealing with stress eating.
              cleaning and is already stocking      Stress eating doesn’t come from hunger. It
                                                    comes from emotional discomfort, and is
              her freezer...last year’s Pesachdik
              apple kugel tasted weird, I need to   soothed with food. Stress eating is actually
                                                    a very effective way of reducing emotional
              find a new recipe...the boy’s need    anxiety in the short term, because foods
              haircuts...I need to find an outfit for   like chips and chocolate actually release
              the baby to match the     serotonin - a brain chemical that allows
              look at the price of matza this year...  you to feel pleasure. Unfortunately, the
              look at the price of everything - how   effects of this process aren’t very long
              do people do it? girls really   lasting, as the extra calories alway bring
                                                    along more stress and anxiety.
              don’t help enough...I’m so tired and
              I can’t afford to get sick...did I really
                                                    So why do we do it? We all know that the
              just eat half that bag of chips? Where
                                                    short term stress relief is not worth the
              did the rest of those chocolates go - I   long term regret and misery that comes
              ate them?! I MUST lose ten pounds     from gaining weight, especially when we
              before Pesach! Why did I let myself   want to be losing weight! Yet over and
              eat that?! I need to go shopping for   over again we find ourselves eating foods
              Pesach clothes but I really want to   that we later regret.
              lose weight first....

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