Page 80 - 18-20_Aug 18, 2021
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Actually, not stress eating is more difficult like baby carrots, sugar free gum, and
than it seems. When we are stressed, clementines are more easily accessible
we have our own hormones working than sandwich cookies and leftover cake
against us. Stress activates your adrenal from Shabbos. 2. Be prepared. Along
glands to release cortisol, increasing your the lines of making your environment
appetite," says Melissa McCreery, PhD, diet-friendly, make sure that you are
ACC, psychologist and the emotional prepared for emotional stress. Buy ready-
eating expert behind the site Too Much made salads and easy to prepare frozen
On Her Plate. Stress also impedes hunger vegetables. Prioritize your eating and
hormones, like ghrelin, which regulate sleeping habits. Time your day with your
your appetite. And if the anxiety is meals in mind so that you don’t come
affecting your ability to get to bed, a lack of home starved from a full day of shopping
sleep ramps up your appetite even more. and errands. Make a master diet shopping
So fighting stress eating means fighting a list so you always have what you need in
host of raging hormones determined to the house. By eating well throughout the
keep you eating! day you will prevent stress eating simply
by being less hungry! 3. Find forms of
So how can anyone fight it? We have found stress relief that don’t involve food. Take
that there are a few keys to successfully a hot shower or a nap. Make a list to
fighting stress eating before the holidays. clear your head. Vent to a friend. Read a
book or watch a show that distracts you.
1. Make your environment diet-safe. If Buy a punching bag. Any of these can
chips, chocolate, or nuts are your go-to act to release your stress level, thereby
for stress relief, do not bring them in the reducing your cortisol and ultimately
house. This means that the battle begins your appetite. We often gravitate towards
in the grocery store. If you find that you food because it is immediately accessible
end up eating whatever is in front of you, but taking the extra minute or two to find
then you need to make sure that foods a better way to reduce stress is critical.
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Y-17 The Bulletin 718.387.0123 • August 18 '21