Page 283 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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250 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity  unpredictable responses to a drug or other xenobiotic. They  N   CHO   CH 3     N   CO  CH 3
             are rare, not dependent on dose, and can be associated with
             extrahepatic  lesions  (Sturgill  and  Lambert,  1997;              CYP450
             Zimmerman, 1999; Pineiro-Carrero and Pineiro, 2004;       OH                      O
             Shenton et al., 2004). Extrahepatic clinical signs can
             include pyrexia, rash, and peripheral eosinophilia. Some
             idiosyncratic drug reactions resemble serum sickness.  Glucuronidation,   Mercapturic  Necrosis
             Hepatic lesions associated with idiosyncratic drug reactions                acid   (covalent binding)
             include necrosis, cholestasis, or both, and there is often an
             inflammatory  response  involving  macrophages  and  FIGURE 15.4 Metabolism and mechanism of acetaminophen toxicity.
                                                                Bioactivation of acetaminophen by P450 enzymes results in the forma-
                                                                tion of the reactive intermediate (NAPQI) that forms covalent adducts
                                                                with glutathione which is then converted to mercapturic acid. When the
             Oxidative Stress Mediated by Free Radicals         amount of the reactive metabolite formed exceeds the glutathione avail-
                                                                able for binding, the excess metabolite binds to tissue molecules, form-
                                                                ing covalent adducts, resulting in centrilobular hepatic necrosis.
             Free radicals are generated from within hepatocytes
             through a variety of mechanisms: oxidative metabolism
             by cytochrome P450s, reduction and oxidation (redox)  produced by these compounds are usually centrilobular due
             reactions of normal metabolism, transition metals such as  to the location of the cytochrome P450s responsible.
             iron and copper, nitric oxide generated by inflammatory  A classic example of phase I bioactivation is cell
             cells, and ion radiation. Free radicals produce lipid perox-  death  resulting  from  acetaminophen  (Fig.  15.4).
             idation of membranes, oxidative modification of proteins,  Acetaminophen is a widely used analgesic that rarely
             and DNA disruption (Crawford, 1999).               induces clinical signs at therapeutic doses, except in the
                Free radicals have unpaired electrons, making them  particularly susceptible feline species where metabolites
             highly reactive. They are formed by one electron oxidation  of acetaminophen produce acute liver failure and oxida-
             and reduction reactions, which produce cationic and  tion of hemoglobin to methemoglobinemia. The details
             anionic radicals, respectively (Dahm and Jones, 1996).  of acetaminophen toxicosis are described in another
             Alternately, homolytic bond scission produces neutral  chapter, but one unstable intermediate metabolite,
             radicals. The free radical nitric oxide (  NO), an important  N-acetyl-p-benzoquinone imine (NAPQI), is the primary
             cell signaling agent released by leukocytes, reacts with  cause of hepatocyte injury.
             superoxide to form peroxinitrite. Hydroxyl radicals, super-  The reaction that produces NAPQI generates superox-
             oxide radicals, and hydrogen peroxide are major ROS.  ide anions as a by-product. NAPQI itself also acts as an
                Free radicals produce peroxidation of phospholipids  electrophile, targeting mitochondria in particular, forming
             within the cell plasma membrane, mitochondrial mem-  covalent adducts with protein thiol groups and other cellu-
             brane, and the endoplasmic reticulum. The radicals  lar macromolecules. Interaction of NAPQI with other
             remove a proton (H ) from a methylene carbon within a  cellular molecules generates more ROS, leading to oxida-
             polyunsaturated fatty acid, forming a lipid-free radical. This  tive stress (Dahm and Jones, 1996; Zimmerman, 1999).
             step is called initiation. This lipid-free radical then abstracts  Adenine nucleotides and plasma membrane proteins
             a proton from a neighboring polyunsaturated fatty acid,  involved in calcium homeostasis are also targeted (Dahm
             generating more lipid-free radicals. Propagation by this  and Jones, 1996; Sturgill and Lambert, 1997). The role of
             mechanism is estimated to occur 4 10 times per initiation.  Kupffer cell activation has been implicated as contributing
             Effects of lipid peroxy radicals on the cell membrane  to acetaminophen-induced liver injury through the produc-
             include: increased permeability, decreased fluidity, inactiva-  tion of reactive nitrogen species (Treinen-Moslen, 2001).
             tion of membrane proteins (Dahm and Jones, 1996)and,in  Another classic example of xenobiotic bioactivation,
             the case of mitochondrial membranes, loss of polarity  generation of free radicals, and peroxidative damage is
             (Watkins, 1999). Lipid peroxy radicals react with stored  conversion of CCl 4 into trichlorocarbon radical (  CCl 3 )
             metal ions in hepatocytes to generate more lipid radicals.  and then to trichloroperoxy radical (CCl 3 OO  )(Fig. 15.5).
                The most frequent initiating factor in free radical pro-  The main phase I enzyme involved in bioactivation
             duction inducing hepatocellular injury is the bioactivation  of both aforementioned acetaminophen and CCl 4 is
             of xenobiotics by the cytochrome P450 system. Phase I  CYP2E1, which can be induced by ethanol consumption
             metabolism activates substrates to reactive intermediate  in humans. Lipid peroxidation caused by free radicals
             molecules in preparation for phase II conjugation reactions.  increases the Ca  permeability of the plasma membrane,
             However, in circumstances of high exposure, phase I  leading to disruption of calcium homeostasis and centri-
             products accumulate (Gu and Manautou, 2012). Lesions  lobular cell necrosis. In addition, CCl 3 directly binds to
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