Page 286 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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Liver Toxicity Chapter | 15  253  cholestasis produce photosensitization, and icterus can  P450 enzyme CYP2E1. Studies suggest that thioacetami-
                                                                desulfoxide, a relatively stable intermediate of thioaceta-
             occur in the absence of photosensitization (Rowe, 1989).
                Hepatocyte swelling can produce cholestasis. Agents
                                                                mide metabolism, is obligatory for the hepatotoxic effects,
             that cause photosensitization through hepatocyte damage  indicating that it is the penultimate reactive metabolite.
             include the toxic plant Lantana camera that causes  Accordingly, it has been reported that the hepatotoxic
             steatosis. Plants containing pyrrolizidine alkaloids (such as  effects of thioacetamide are only expressed after metabolic
             Senecio  spp.,  Crotalaria  spp.,  Cynoglossum  spp.,  conversion to thioacetamide S-oxide, which undergoes fur-
             Tetradymia spp., Trifolium hybridum, Artemisia nigra)also  ther metabolism to an as yet unidentified metabolite, most
             cause secondary photosensitization due to portal fibrosis.  likely the reactive unstable thioacetamidesulfone. The reac-
             Because significant hepatocyte damage must occur before  tive metabolite of thioacetamide binds to liver proteins
             the individual presents with photosensitization, damage of  with the formation of acetylimidolysine derivatives that are
             this type usually carries a poor prognosis (Rowe, 1989).  responsible for thioacetamide-induced hepatotoxic effects.
                Other agents that damage bile ducts include the myco-  Progression of thioacetamide-induced liver injury has also
             toxin sporidesmin and sapongenins from the plant Tribulus  been attributed to inhibition of the tissue repair response in
             terrestris. Sporidesmin is produced by Pithomyces char-  dietary restriction (Ramaiah and Mehendale, 2000).
             tarum, which grows predominantly on ryegrass pastures in  Tissue repair is a complex process governed by the
             Australia and New Zealand. Sporidesmin acts by directly  intricate cellular signaling involving chemokines, cyto-
             damaging biliary epithelium, producing cell necrosis and  kines, growth factors, and nuclear receptors, leading to
             degeneration. Bile ducts become occluded with cell debris  promitogenic gene expression and cell division. Tissue
             and inspissated bile, and periductular fibrosis further  repair encompasses regeneration of hepatocytes, hepatic
             occludes bile ducts (Rowe, 1989).                  extracellular matrix, angiogenesis, and other processes
                Several plant species cause bile stasis through precipi-  necessary to completely restore hepatic structure and
             tation of calcium salts of sapogenic glucuronides within  function after injury. New insights have emerged over the
             bile ducts. The major toxic sapongenins from T. terrestris  last quarter century indicating that tissue repair follows a
             are diosgenin and yamogenin. These compounds are   dose response: at increasing doses of xenobiotics, a
             hydrolyzed in the GIT to sapogenins, which are further  threshold is reached beyond which repair is delayed or
             metabolized before glucuronidation (Burrows and Tyrl,  impaired  through  inhibition  of  cellular  signaling.
             2001). Sapogenins directly occlude bile ducts and damage  Runaway secondary events then cause tissue destruction,
             canalicular membranes. Note that while T. terrestris poi-  organ failure and death. Prompt and adequate tissue repair
             soning is reported with some frequency in South Africa  after toxic injury is critical for recovery. Tissue repair is
             and Australia, it is believed that the toxic sapogenins are  modulated by species, strain, age, nutrition, disease condi-
             either absent or only present in lower concentrations in  tion, and other factors, accounting for the marked differ-
             T. terrestris growing in the United States (Burrows and  ences in individual susceptibility and toxic outcome
             Tyrl, 2001).                                       (Ramaiah et al., 1998; Mehendale, 2005).

             Inhibition of Tissue Repair Response               IDIOSYNCRATIC REACTIONS
             Tissue repair is a dynamic response, involving compensa-  Idiosyncratic drug reactions occur when sensitization is
             tory cell proliferation and tissue regeneration, and is stim-  followed by reexposure to a drug, classified as immune-
             ulated to recover hepatic structure and function after  mediated idiosyncratic hepatotoxicity (Dahm and Jones,
             injury. Extensive evidence from rodent models using  1996; Sturgill and Lambert, 1997; Zimmerman, 1999;
             structurally and mechanistically diverse hepatotoxicants  Treinen-Moslen, 2001). A delay of 3 4 weeks after 1 2
             such as acetaminophen, CCl 4 , chloroform, thioacetamide,  weeks course of medication (e.g., amoxicillin-clavulanic
             trichloroethylene and allyl alcohol have demonstrated that  acid) occurs before clinical signs become evident
             tissue repair plays a critical role in determining the final  (Kaplowitz, 2001; Zimmerman, 1999), but onset is expe-
             outcome of toxic insult, i.e., either recovery from injury  dited with rechallenge (Dahm and Jones, 1996; Sturgill
             and survival or progression of injury leading to liver fail-  and Lambert, 1997; Watkins, 1999).
             ure and death (Mehendale, 2005).                     Neoantigens result from adducts formed by interaction
                Thioacetamide, originally used as a fungicide, is  of reactive drug metabolites with cellular proteins. These
             potently hepatotoxic after being bioactivated by cyto-  neoantigens are processed by Kupffer cells or other anti-
             chrome P450 and/or flavin-containing monooxygenase  gen presenting cells, transported to the cell surface, and
             systems to sulfine (sulfoxide) and sulfene (sulfone) meta-  presented to the immune system. Cell and antibody-
             bolites, which cause centrilobular necrosis. Thioacetamide  mediated immune responses can cause severe liver dam-
             bioactivation is primarily mediated by the cytochrome  age. Various drugs believed to cause immune-mediated
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