Page 287 - Veterinary Toxicology, Basic and Clinical Principles, 3rd Edition
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254 SECTION | II Organ Toxicity             Hepatocyte   halothane                (Trepanier, 2013). A proposed explanation for the delayed
                                                                onset of clinical signs is that mitochondrial damage is not
                                                                manifested until a threshold has been reached, then cell
                                    Oxidative metabolism
                                                                death occurs. Genetic polymorphisms in activation of
                     Trifluroacetylated microsomal proteins     detoxifying enzymes have been associated with increased
                                                                susceptibility to idiosyncratic drug reactions in some peo-
                                                                ple, further implicating the role of oxidative stress
                                                                (Stirnimann et al., 2010).
                      Expression on hepatocyte surface            Other idiosyncratic reactions of veterinary importance
                                                                include diazepam in cats, which could be based on
                                                                humoral or T-cell mediated immunity (Center et al.,
                                                                1996; Trepanier, 2013). The clinical presentation in cats
                                                                is similar to that described with carprofen in dogs.
                                                                Idiosyncratic reactions to sulfonamides occur in about
                                       Cellular sensitization   0.25% of dogs and a variety of organ systems are
                                                                affected, hepatopathy being the third most reported
                                                                sequela. Other effects include polyarthropathy, which pre-
                                                                dominates in Doberman pinschers, thrombocytopenia,
             FIGURE 15.6 Postulated mechanism of immune-mediated halothane  pyrexia and dermal drug eruptions. A reactive metabolite
             hepatotoxicity. Halothane-mediated hepatitis is the best example for  of sulfonamide binds to protein creating a hapten and
             immune-mediated liver damage. Oxidative pathway yields trifluoroace-  may activate drug-specific T-cells, as occurs in humans
             tylchloride, which can react with microsomal proteins to form a neoanti-
             gen which then can generate immune response leading to hepatic injury.  (Trepanier, 2013). Methimazole and carbimazole are anti-
                                                                thyroid drugs that have caused idiosyncratic reactions in
                                                                cats and can cause hepatocellular and cholestatic liver
             idiosyncratic reactions in humans include halothane,  damage, thrombocytopenia or neutropenia, or pruritis
             diclofenac, phenytoin, and sulfonamides (Sturgill and  within a month of initiating therapy (Trepanier, 2013).
             Lambert, 1997; Watkins, 1999; Zimmerman, 1999;     Recently, zonisamide has been reported to cause acute
             Treinen-Moslen, 2001). The idiosyncratic reaction to hal-  liver failure after 10 20 days of dosing (Trepanier, 2013;
             othane has been well studied (Fig. 15.6).          Weingarten and Sande, 2015).
                Clinical signs of the idiosyncratic reaction to carpro-  Some idiosyncratic drug reactions are associated with
             fen, an NSAID, in dogs include anorexia, vomiting, and  very long latency (up to 12 months), but are usually not
             icterus and occur approximately 20 days following the  associated with features of hypersensitivity and have var-
             first exposure to the drug. Signs do not correlate with  iable response to rechallenge. These are classified as
             drug dose. Affected dogs have elevated alanine transami-  nonimmuno-mediated idiosyncratic reactions (Kaplowitz,
             nase, aspartate transaminase, alkaline phosphates and  2001). Examples of drugs that are known to cause this
             serum total bilirubin. There is mild to severe bridging  type of idiosyncratic reaction include troglitazone,
             hepatocyte degeneration and necrosis with evidence of  valproate, amiodarone, ketoconazole, disulfiram, and iso-
             apoptosis. Mild to moderate periportal inflammation is  niazid. However, some involvement of allergic mecha-
             reported. Spayed female dogs are overrepresented among  nism cannot be completely rejected in these drugs, thus
             the affected (MacPhail et al., 1998). This idiosyncratic  this classification should still be viewed as tentative
             reaction to carprofen is most likely similar to that of  (Kaplowitz, 2005).
             diclofenac in humans. Diclofenac generates reactive meta-
             bolites and forms a hapten (Trepanier, 2013).
                Methimazole is another example of agents causing idi-  CONCLUDING REMARKS AND
             osyncratic hepatotoxicosis affecting humans and cats.  FUTURE DIRECTIONS
             Patients usually present with icterus. The hepatic effect
             appears to be associated with metabolism by hepatic fla-  Research has focused on understanding the different
             vin monooxygenase to a reactive N-methylthiourea   mechanisms   for  chemical-induced  liver  injury.
             metabolite. GSH depletion is believed to play a role in  Researchers have attempted to understand the molecular
             human cases (Trepanier, 2013).                     basis for injury and the contribution of individual cell
                Many drugs implicated in idiosyncratic liver injury are  types to ultimate hepatic pathology. Recently, techniques
             known to affect mitochondrial function (Stirnimann et al.,  such as microarray-based toxicogenomics, 2D gel electro-
             2010). Part of the mechanism of injury due to diclofenac  phoresis,  mass  spectrometry-based  proteomics  and
             in humans could be due to mitochondrial injury     1 H-NMR   spectroscopy-based  metabonomics  have
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