Page 18 - Rapid Review of ECG Interpretation in Small Animal Practice, 2nd Edition
P. 18

Principles of Electrocardiography

          The actual action potential generated by the SA   depolarize the right and left ventricles, respectively.
                                                         The left branch further divides into the anterior and
          nodal cells (pacemaker potentials) are too small to be  seen on the surface ECG. However, as the activation   posterior fascicule. Once the large muscle mass of
                                                         the ventricles is excited, a large deflection is seen
          wavefront encounters the mass of atrial myocardium,
          the initiation of electrical activity is observed on   on the body surface, called the QRS complex. This
          the body surface. Thus, the first ECG wave of the   large wave can have several components. In lead
          cardiac cycle is called the P wave and represents   II,  there  may  be  an  initial  downward  deflection,
          activation of the atria. Atrial repolarization is rarely   called the Q wave, followed by a dominant upward
          appreciated on the ECG, as it occurs simultaneously   deflection called the R wave. There may also be a
          with ventricular depolarization and is thus hidden in   terminal downward deflection, called the S wave.
          the QRS complex.                               The  polarity  and  actual  presence  of  these  three
            Conduction of the cardiac impulse proceeds from   components depend on the lead examined.
          the SA node through the atria via the specialized   Following the QRS complex is another short,
          conduction system of the internodal tracts to the   relatively  isoelectric  segment,  the  ST  segment.
          AV node.  When the activation wave reaches the   During this time period, the ventricles are
          AV node, conductions slows markedly, due to the   absolutely refractory, that is, cannot respond
          slow depolarization characteristics of the AV nodal   to another electrical activation.  After this short
          cells.  This provides time between the mechanical   segment, the ventricles return to their electrical
          contraction of the atria and the ventricles. On the   resting state, and a wave of repolarization is seen
          surface ECG, this conduction delay produces a short,   as a low-frequency signal, the T wave. During the
          relatively isoelectric segment following the P wave,   T wave, the ventricles are only relatively refractory,
          contributing to the PR interval. When the electrical   and may be stimulated by a premature electrical
          impulse emerges  from the  AV node and enters   activation. The duration of time from the start of
          the His–Purkinje network, conduction velocity   the QRS complex to the end of the T wave is the
          dramatically increases once again. The bundle of His   QT interval which represents the entire ventricular
          divides into the right and left bundle branches that   depolarization and repolarization.

          Fig. 1.7 The
          specialized cardiac
          conduction system.

                                                                                     Internodal tracts

                                     (SA) node                                       Left atrium
                                    Right atrium                                     Atrioventricular
                                                                                     (AV) node
                                         of His                                      Left ventricle

                                  Right ventricle
                                   Right bundle                                      Left bundle
                                        branch                                       branch

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