Page 42 - Rapid Review of ECG Interpretation in Small Animal Practice, 2nd Edition
P. 42

Section 4              TREATMENT OF


          The decision on whether or not and how to treat   aortic thromboembolism, anemia, neoplasia, or
          arrhythmias depends on factors such as a history   drug  reactions,  in  which  case  therapy  should  be
          of  collapse,  the  heart  rate  during  an  arrhythmia,   aimed at correcting or managing the underlying
          the presence and severity of underlying heart   disease. Cats of any breed, age, or sex may
          disease, and affected dog breed (predispositions   experience  arrhythmias  but Maine Coon  cats are
          of most commonly affected breeds; for genetic VT   predisposed to HCM and thus commonly reported
          abnormalities, see Box 4.1), as well as the presence of   to have arrhythmias. Single VPCs and APCs are most
          various systemic diseases that potentially contribute   commonly found on Holter recordings of cats with
          to the presence of arrhythmias.                HCM, but complex arrhythmias with sustained VT
            Therapy of arrhythmias should not be instituted   and SVT are also reported, while healthy cats rarely
          without an ECG to provide a definitive diagnosis of   show any  ectopic beats. Occasionally,  cats are
          the nature of the arrhythmia. By auscultation alone,   diagnosed with atrial fibrillation.  Typically, these
          some  ventricular  arrhythmias  can  be  confused   cats have advanced underlying heart disease with
          with supraventricular arrhythmias such as atrial   marked dilation of the atria.
          tachycardia or atrial fibrillation, which warrant   Clinical signs of arrhythmias are often hard to
          very different treatment strategies.  Ambulatory,   identify in cats, with lethargy or collapse being most
          long-term ECG recordings, such as 24-hour Holter   suggestive of a possible arrhythmia. Congestive
          monitoring, might be required to establish a definitive   heart failure, aortic thromboembolism or signs of
          diagnosis since many arrhythmias are intermittent   hyperthyroidism should prompt a careful evaluation
          and might not be documented during a short in-  for arrhythmias as a sequalae to the primary disease
          hospital ECG. (See Section 5 for Holter monitoring.)   process, as this population is at greatest risk for
          Post-treatment 24-hour Holter recordings are   sudden death. Due to the cats poor tolerance for
          highly  useful  for  assessment  of  drug  efficacy,  and   wearing Holters, most arrhythmias are monitored
          also allow for detection of drug toxicity, such as   by ECG only.
          proarrhythmia (worsening ventricular arrhythmias)
          or  drug overdose, for  instance, bradycardia or  MECHANISMS OF ANTIARRHYTHMIC
          pauses secondary to excessive AV block. Pauses, if  DRUGS
          they occur only during sleep or rest, are usually of   Antiarrhythmic  drugs target  two  general areas  of
          low concern.                                   the heart because of their specific electrophysiologic
            In addition to medical therapy, interventional   properties:
          techniques, such as radiofrequency ablation,
          are a potentially curative treatment of certain    1. Sinoatrial (SA) and AV nodal tissue:
          supraventricular arrhythmias (AFL, AVRT), but are   Depolarization in these tissues is calcium-
          only offered at certain veterinary specialty clinics.  channel driven and sensitive to autonomic tone.
            Cardiac arrhythmias in cats most commonly      To treat arrhythmias that originate from the SA
          are associated with underlying heart disease, such   and AV nodal tissue, calcium-channel blockers
          as HCM or RCM, where sudden cardiac death is     (CCBs) and beta-blockers (BBs) are primarily
          thought to be linked to the presence of complex   used. The most commonly prescribed CCB for
          arrhythmias. Arrhythmias can also occur secondary   treatment of arrhythmias is diltiazem (available
          to systemic disease, namely hyperthyroidism,     PO and IV). The β1-selective BBs atenolol
          electrolyte  imbalances (i.e., hyperkalemia), feline   and esmolol (IV only) are the most frequently
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