Page 212 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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               TABLE 7-2       Preparations for Phosphate Supplementation (Preparations for
                               Parenteral Use)
                                Composition            Osmolality       Phosphate       Sodium       Potassium
            Compound              (per mL)      pH     (mOsm/kg)       (mmol/mL)       (mEq/mL)      (mEq/mL)
            Sodium phosphate   142 mg Na 2 HPO 4 ,  5.70   5580            3.000           4.0          0
                                 276 mg
                                 NaH 2 PO 4 •H 2 O
            Potassium phosphate  236 mg K 2 HPO 4  6.60    5840            3.003           0            4.36
                                 224 mg
                                 KH 2 PO 4

               TABLE 7-3      Preparations for Phosphate Supplementation (Preparations for Oral Use)
                                                       Phosphorus    Phosphate    Potassium
            Product             Composition            mg     mEq    mg    mEq    mg    mEq    Company     Prep

            K-Phos       Dibasic sodium phosphate,     250    14.1    45    1.1   298   13     Beach       Tablets
              Neutral      monobasic potassium phosphate,
                           monobasic sodium phosphate
            Uro-KP       Dibasic sodium phosphate,     250    14.1    49    1.3   250   11     Star        Tablets
              Neutral      monobasic potassium phosphate,
                           monobasic sodium phosphate
            Neutra-Phos  Dibasic sodium phosphate,     250    14.1   278    7.1   164    7.1   Ortho-      Powder
                           monobasic potassium phosphate,                                        McNeill
                           monobasic sodium phosphate
            Neutra-      Dibasic potassium phosphate,  250    14.1   556   14.2     0    0     Ortho-      Powder
              Phos-K       monobasic potassium phosphate                                         McNeill
            K-Phos       Monobasic potassium phosphate  114    3.7   144    3.7     0    0     Beach       Tablet
            K-Phos M.F.  Monobasic potassium phosphate,  126   4.0    45    1.1    67    2.9   Beach       Tablet
                           monobasic sodium phosphate
            K-Phos No. 2  Monobasic potassium phosphate,  250  8.0    88    2.2   134    5.8   Beach       Tablet
                           monobasic sodium phosphate

            Amounts given per tablet or per 75 mL of reconstituted liquid.
            Prep, preparation.

            calcification of organs, including the heart and lungs 166  CAUSES OF HYPERPHOSPHATEMIA
            may occur and can be fatal. Acute hyperphosphatemia
                                                                 Hyperphosphatemia in dogs and cats is primarily caused
            (such as can occur after ingesting oral sodium phosphate
                                                                 by decreased renal excretion, but increased intake and
            solutions in preparation for colonoscopy) has been                                                169
                                                                 translocation also may be responsible (Box 7-2).
            associated with acute renal failure in patients without  Translocation  occurring  during  treatment  of
            prior hypercalcemia, 118  and a direct toxic effect of phos-
                                                                 hemolymphatic malignancies may cause tumor lysis syn-
            phate on renal tubular cells has been hypothesized. In
                                                                 drome   (i.e.,  hyperphosphatemia,  hypocalcemia,
            human end-stage renal disease patients, hyperphos-
                                                                 hyperkalemia, hyperuricemia, and oliguric acute renal
            phatemia is associated with increased cardiovascular mor-
                 36                                              failure). Myeloblasts and lymphoblasts may contain up
            tality.  After phosphate administration, deposition of  to four times as much phosphate as normal cells, and
            calcium and phosphate in bone and soft tissue may con-  destruction of these cells causes release of phosphate. This
            tribute to hypocalcemia. The magnitude of hypocalcemia  syndrome is uncommon in small animal practice. In one
            is related to the rate at which serum phosphorus concen-  study of dogs with multicentric lymphosarcoma, serum
            tration increases, but the exact relationship is unpredict-
                                                                 phosphorus concentrations were normal before therapy
            able. The risk of soft tissue mineralization increases when                        120
                                                                 and did not change after treatment.  Urinary phospho-
            the [Ca]   [Pi] solubility product exceeds 60 to 70.
                                                                 rus excretion increased but probably because urine volume
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