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            human patients with chronic renal failure treated with cal-  The Henderson-Hasselbalch equation is derived from
            cium-containing compounds. 37  It is very expensive,  the formula for the dissociation constant of an acid. For
            causes some adverse gastrointestinal effects, and has the  the ionic species of phosphate of interest:
            potential to bind other substances (e.g., bile acids, choles-
            terol, vitamins) in addition to phosphorus. Initial reports       pH ¼ pKa þ logð½PO 4  3  Š=½HPO 4 2  ŠÞ
            suggested that sevelamer was similar in effectiveness to
            calcium acetate in binding phosphorus but with less risk          7:4 ¼ 12:4 þ logðxÞ
            of hypercalcemia. 16  However, a recent study found cal-       logðxÞ¼  5:0
            cium acetate superior to sevelamer in control of                   x  ¼ 0:00001
            hyperphosphatemia and calcium-phosphorus product. 133  ½PO 4 3  Š=½HPO 4 2  Š¼ 0:00001
            Sevelamer decreased serum bicarbonate concentrations in    2      3
                                                                 ½HPO 4  Š=½PO 4  Š¼ 100, 000
            this study, presumably as a result of the release and
            absorption of the hydrochloride moiety. In another   Thus, at a pH of 7.4, there are 100,000 molecules of
            study, 58  once-daily administration was as effective as  2                        3
                                                                 HPO 4   for every molecule of PO 4  .
            administration three times per day in some patients.
               Lanthanum carbonate also contains no aluminum and                                     1
                                                                               pH ¼ pKa þ logð½H 2 PO 4  Š=½H 3 PO 4 ŠÞ
            no calcium, is not absorbed from the gastrointestinal
            tract, and acts as an efficient phosphorus binder.  50  Its        7:4 ¼ 2:0 þ logðxÞ
            effects are similar to those of calcium carbonate but with-      logðxÞ¼ 5:4
            out risk of bone toxicity or hypercalcemia. 45  It binds to        x  ¼ 251, 189
            phosphate at low and high pH, making it effective in both  ½H 2 PO 4 1  =½H 3 PO 4 Š¼ 251, 189
            the stomach and small intestine. 63  Lanthanum is excreted
            primarily in bile and should not accumulate in patients  Thus, at a pH of 7.4, there are 251,189 molecules of
            with renal failure, but its long-term safety is unknown.  H 2 PO 4 1   for every molecule of H 3 PO 4 .
               Phosphate binder effectiveness is monitored by mea-
            suring fasting serum phosphorus concentration. The goal                          2          1
                                                                      pH ¼ pKa þ log ð½HPO 4   Š=½H 2 PO 4  ŠÞ
            is to maintain the serum phosphorus concentration in the
                                                                      7:4 ¼ 6:8 þ logðxÞ
            normal range. In normophosphatemic patients with early
                                                                    logðxÞ¼ 0:6
            renal insufficiency, one may monitor fasting FE Pi to deter-
                                                                       x  ¼ 4:0
            mine the efficacy of phosphate restriction. Dogs with
                                                                       2  Š=½H 2 PO 4  1  Š¼ 4:0
                                                                 ½HPO 4
            spontaneous chronic renal failure (mean serum creatinine
            concentration, 2.3 mg/dL) had significantly higher FE Pi
                                                                 From these calculations, it can be determined that, at a
            values than control dogs (23% vs. 5%), respectively, and
                                                                                                              2  ,
            FE Pi decreasedinbothgroupsafter feedingofPrescription  pH of 7.4, there will be 1,004,756 molecules of HPO 4
                                                                                           1  , and 10 molecules of
            Diet K/D. 70  In one dog with chronic renal failure, FE Pi  251,189 molecules of H 2 PO 4
                                                                     3   for every molecule of H 3 PO 4 . Therefore, it can
            was below the mean value for the chronic renal failure  PO 4
                                                                 be seen that the amounts of H 3 PO 4 and PO 4  present
            group despite increased serum PTH concentration.
                                                                 in ECF at a pH of 7.4 can be safely ignored.
            It has been suggested that FE Pi values less than 30% are
            indicative of adequate phosphate restriction. 53  This
            method is limited by the wide range of normal values for  REFERENCES
            FE Pi . 46,141  The response to phosphate binders may be rel-
                                                                   1. Abdullahi SU, Osborne CA, Leininger JR, et al. Evalua-
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                                                                     hepatic lipidosis in cats. J Vet Intern Med 1993;7:266–71.
            to phosphate binder therapy. Recently, increased salivary  3. Alfrey AC. Effect of dietary phosphate restriction on
            secretion of phosphate in hyperphosphatemic people with  renal function and deterioration. Am J Clin Nutr
            renal failure has been identified. 12,145  This route is  1988;47:153–6.
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            phosphorus can be chelated and removed from the body.    encephalopathy syndrome: possible aluminum intoxica-
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            APPENDIX                                               5. Amanzadeh J, Reilly R. Hypophosphatemia: an evidence-
                                                                     based approach to its clinical consequences and manage-
                                                                     ment. Nature Clinical Practice 2006;2:136–48.
            Calculation of Amount of PO 4  and H 3 PO 4 Present    6. Andreoli SP, Bergstein JM, Sherrard DJ. Aluminum intox-
            in Extracellular Fluid at a pH of 7.4                    ication from aluminum-containing phosphate binders in
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