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            which some defect of renal magnesium handling may be  category.* Therapeutic use of magnesium has been more
            present. Urinary magnesium excretion (24 hour), urinary  completely studied in several other diseases, but its ther-
            magnesium clearance, and urinary fractional excretion of  apeutic efficacy is still controversial. Diseases such as
            magnesium have all been used as methods of evaluating  myocardial infarction, acute severe asthma, hypertension,
            renal magnesium handling. Patients with a magnesium  and diabetes mellitus are examples that fit this category. {
            deficit or those with inadequate dietary intake of   Finally, several conditions have been well studied and the
            magnesium would be expected to be retain magnesium   efficacy of magnesium in conditions such as eclamsia/
            to a greater extent than normal patients. Although these  preeclamsia and several types of cardiac arrhythmias such
            assays have not been widely tested in clinical patients,  as digitalis toxicity, torsades de pointes, and ventricular
            they have been used as a helpful tool in assessing   ectopy has been shown. {
            patients with inadequate dietary magnesium intake and  In small animal veterinary medicine, there are several
            thus  increased  renal  reabsorptive  compensatory   conditions that warrant consideration of magnesium as
            mechanisms. 109,159  The use of a magnesium retention  a therapeutic agent. For most dogs and cats being fed a
            test is favored by many human physicians in assessing  commercial food, a dietary magnesium deficiency is not
            the magnesium status of their patients. Several studies  a concern. Most commercial dog and cat foods have
            have evaluated the use of this test in human patients  abundant magnesium supplementation. One recent
            and found it to correlate well with clinical suspicion of  study documented the likelihood that the dietary intake
            magnesium deficit. 74,138  One study suggests, however,  cats with heart failure was above recommended levels.  164
            that the magnesium retention test assesses loss of magne-  The at-risk population for magnesium deficit therefore is
            sium from the exchangeable bone stores, which may not  predominantly hospitalized dogs and cats, particularly
            be reflective of total body magnesium deficit.  The mag-  those who have been anorexic for several days and in
            nesium loading test has not, however, been standardized  whom excessive gastrointestinal or renal loss of magne-
            in human medicine and several variations of the test are  sium could be occurring (see Box 8-1). Patients meeting
            reported. 128  Although a study of a magnesium loading  such criteria should be evaluated for a magnesium deficit.
            test has been completed in dogs, the results have not been  Documented hypomagnesemia or a magnesium reten-
            published. 101                                       tion test suspected of being abnormal (normal values have
               The diagnosis of magnesium deficit is challenging.  not been established in small animal patients) should
            Currently, there is no consensus regarding the best assay  prompt the clinician to consider magnesium therapy to
            for diagnosis. Several new technologies seem promising,  correct the deficit. Although increased mortality has been
            but they have not reached widespread clinical use and  reported to occur in humans with a magnesium deficit,
            raise more questions than answers. From the available  therapy with magnesium salts has not been studied to
            veterinary literature, it would appear that both ionized  determine if therapeutic intervention with magnesium
            serum   magnesium   and  total  serum  magnesium     in such patients changes the clinical outcome. Patients
            concentrations may be useful when they are low and con-  with refractory hypokalemia or hypocalcemia despite
            sistent with the clinical suspicion of a magnesium deficit.  seemingly appropriate supplementation should also be
            It must be emphasized that a normal result does not rule  evaluated for a magnesium deficit and treated accordingly
            out a magnesium deficit. Clinical suspicion must still play  if a deficit is detected. In addition, there are two kinds of
            an important role. The magnesium retention test holds  patient populations that are routinely encountered in
            promise, but needs to be evaluated more completely in  small animal emergency and critical care medicine that
            veterinary species.                                  are frequently identified with a magnesium deficit.
                                                                 Patients in heart failure with concurrent ventricular
            PHARMACOLOGIC USES OF                                arrhythmias and who are being medicated with loop
            MAGNESIUM                                            diuretics and/or digitalis constitute one high-risk group.
                                                                 Significantly better control of arrhythmias (e.g., torsades
            In addition to their use as therapy in patients with mag-  de pointes, ventricular ectopy, digitalis toxicity) fre-
            nesium deficit, magnesium salts have been used to treat a  quently is gained in humans from supplementation with
            number of disparate disease processes in humans.     magnesium and potassium. Correction of the underlying
            Although their use as a therapeutic agent in many of these  electrolyte disturbances aids in normalization of the
            conditions remains unproved, rigorous clinical trials have  electrophysiologic state of the cardiac myocyte 76,129
            not been performed to validate the use of magnesium.  Ventricular arrhythmias resulting from an overload of
            The use of magnesium as prophylaxis for migrainous
            headache in children, as protection from endotoxin
                                                                 *References 13–15, 29, 44, 78, 79, 85, 103, 121, 141, 162, 167, 172,
            challenge, as management for cardiovascular signs of  185–187.
            pheochromocytoma, as an adjunctive analgesic agent   { References 7, 10, 18, 19, 42, 65, 67, 97, 116, 130–132, 135, 143, 147,
            and as an adjunctive means of controlling muscular   151, 156, 165, 179, 180, 183, 192.
            spasms of tetanus are examples of magnesium use in this  { References 22, 33, 44, 58, 61, 77, 87, 104, 113, 120, 125, 129, 155.
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