Page 39 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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                                                                                                  (3.6 nm)
                                                                  Fractional clearance  (C dextran /C inulin )  Cationic
                   N                MD                                0.6

                       G                                              0.4

                                                  B                                           Neutral
                                       M                              0.2
                                                    BM                 0
                                                                          1.8   2.2  2.6   3.0   3.4   3.8   4.2
                                                                                  Effective molecular radius (nm)
                                                 EP              Figure 2-3 Effect of electrostatic charge on filtration of
                                                                 macromolecules across the glomerular capillary wall. (Drawing by
                                BS                               Tim Vojt.)

                                                                       SNGFR ¼ K f ½ðP GC   P T Þ  ðp GC   p T ފ
            Figure 2-2 Schematic representation of the glomerulus
            demonstrating the afferent and efferent arterioles, juxtaglomerular  where P GC is the hydrostatic pressure in the glomerular
            apparatus, and glomerular capillary loops. At the vascular pole, an
            afferent arteriole (AA) enters and an efferent arteriole (EA) leaves  capillary, which falls slightly along the length of the glo-
            the glomerulus. At the urinary pole, the Bowman space (BS)  merular capillary, averaging 55 mm Hg; P T is the hydro-
            becomes the tubular lumen of the proximal tubule (PT). The  static pressure in the Bowman space, which is higher than
            epithelial cells composing the Bowman capsule (B) enclose the  systemic interstitial pressure, averaging 20 mm Hg; p GC is
            Bowman space. Smooth muscle cells proper of the arterioles and all  the oncotic pressure in the glomerular capillary, which
            cells derived from smooth muscle are shown in black, including the  increases along the length of the capillary because of loss
            granular cells (G).The afferent arteriole is innervated by sympathetic  of protein-free ultrafiltrate into the Bowman space, aver-
            nerve terminals (N). The extraglomerular mesangial cells are  aging 20 mm Hg; and p T is the oncotic pressure in the
            located at the angle between AA and EA and continue into the  Bowman space and is negligible because the ultrafiltrate
            mesangial cells (M) of the glomerular tuft. The glomerular capillaries  is nearly protein free. If p T is neglected, the formula for
            are outlined by fenestrated endothelial cells (EN) and covered from  SNGFR simplifies to:
            the outside by the epithelial cells (EP) with foot processes (F). The
            glomerular basement membrane (BM) is continuous throughout the
            glomerulus. At the vascular pole, the thick ascending limb touches  SNGFR ¼ K f ðP GC   P T   p GC Þ
            the macula densa (MD), the extraglomerular mesangium. 31
                                                                 These relationships are depicted in Figure 2-4, in which
                                                                 average pressure values are those reported for dogs 36
            or no penetration into the renal medulla. These nephrons  and cats. If the average pressures just described are con-
            tend to excrete relatively more solute and water.    sidered alone, it can be seen that the net filtration pressure
            Juxtamedullary nephrons have long loops of Henle that  in the glomerulus is approximately 15 mm Hg, which is
            penetrate the inner medulla, and these nephrons tend  similar to values obtained for systemic capillaries. The fact
            to conserve solute and water. All of the nephrons in the  that GFR is so much higher than the movement of fluid
            canine and feline kidneys are thought to have long loops  across systemic capillaries is explained by different values
            of Henle.                                            for K f .
               The glomerular ultrafiltrate is a protein-free ultrafil-  The ultrafiltration constant, K f , is dependent on the
            trate of plasma containing water and all of the crystalloids  surface area available for filtration and the permeability
            of plasma in concentrations similar to those in plasma.  per unit area of capillary to crystalloids and water. The
            The concentrations are not exactly the same because of  morphology of the glomerulus is such that the surface
            the Gibbs-Donnan effect. The same Starling forces that  area available for filtration is much greater than that
            govern the movement of fluid across other capillaries in  found in the capillary beds of skeletal muscle, and the unit
            the body determine SNGFR, but there are some impor-  permeability of the glomerular endothelium is more than
            tant differences in the glomerulus that account for the  100 times that of skeletal muscle capillaries. This much
            relatively high rate of filtration:                  higher value for K f in glomerular capillaries than in
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