Page 40 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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Applied Renal Physiology     29

                  60                                 60                     Afferent    Efferent
                  50   Net ultrafiltration           50
                         pressure                    40
                Pressure (mm Hg)  30  π GC  P GC     30          Decreased                       = ↑RBF    ↑GFR
                                                                  in afferent

                  10     P T                         10          resistance                      = ↓RBF    ↓GFR
                                                                  in afferent

                    0    Distance along glomerular capillary  100%
                (Afferent end)                  (Efferent end)
                                                                 resistance                         ↑RBF   ↓GFR
                                        Mean values for dog and cat  in efferent
             P GC  Hydrostatic pressure in glomerular capillary  52  58
             π GC  Plasma oncotic pressure in glomerular capillary  20  22
                  Hydrostatic pressure in Bowman’s space  20  18
              P T                                                 Increased
              π T  Oncotic pressure in Bowman’s space  0  0      resistance                      = ↓RBF    ↑GFR
                                                                  in efferent
                  Net ultrafiltration pressure     12    18
            Figure 2-4 Graphic representation of the generation of net
            filtration pressure in the glomerulus as governed by Starling
            forces. (Drawing by Tim Vojt.)                      Figure 2-5 Effects of alterations in afferent and efferent arteriolar
                                                                tone on renal blood flow and glomerular filtration rate. (Drawing by
                                                                Tim Vojt.)
            systemic capillaries accounts for the much higher rate of
            filtration. The ultrafiltration coefficient, K f , is not con-  afferent and efferent vasodilatation and increased RBF
            stant and can change as a result of disease and in response  with little change in GFR at low concentrations of dopa-
            to hormones that cause mesangial cells to contract (e.g.,  mine. Norepinephrine, angiotensin II, and antidiuretic
            angiotensin II).                                    hormone (ADH, vasopressin) cause vasoconstriction, at
              Changes   in  the  resistance  of  the  afferent  the same time promoting the production of prosta-
            (preglomerular) and efferent (postglomerular) arterioles  glandins that cause vasodilatation. These prostaglandins
            may have a marked effect on GFR. Alterations in resis-  (PGE 2 and PGI 2 ) play an important role in maintaining
            tance in the afferent arterioles lead to parallel changes  RBF in hypovolemic states when angiotensin II and nor-
            in GFR and renal blood flow (RBF), but changes in resis-  epinephrine concentrations are increased. The effects of
            tance in the efferent arterioles lead to divergent changes  these prostaglandins are limited to the kidneys because
            in GFR and RBF (Fig. 2-5). The interplay of the effects of  they are rapidly metabolized in the pulmonary circula-
            neural and hormonal factors on vascular tone in the  tion. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that inhibit
            kidneys is complex, but the main purpose of these effects  generation of prostaglandins by the cyclooxygenase path-
            is to minimize even slight changes in GFR, which could  way may cause renal ischemia and acute renal insufficiency
            have drastic adverse effects on the volume and composi-  in hypovolemic patients. 10,12  Locally produced kinins
            tion of the extracellular fluid.                    also cause vasodilatation and favor redistribution of
              The resistance of these arterioles is regulated by the  RBF to inner cortical nephrons. Mediators produced
            autonomic nervous system and by numerous vasoactive  locally by the vascular endothelium also contribute to
            mediators (Table 2-1). Stimulation of the sympathetic  afferent and efferent vasoconstriction (e.g., endothelin
            nervous system results in release of norepinephrine from  and thromboxane) and vasodilatation (e.g., nitric oxide
            nerves terminating on the afferent and efferent arterioles.  and prostacyclin).
            Norepinephrine can cause afferent and efferent vasocon-
            striction, but efferent arteriolar constriction usually  MEASUREMENT OF GLOMERULAR
            predominates. As a result, RBF decreases with minimal  FILTRATION RATE
            changes in GFR (i.e., filtration fraction [FF] increases).  Consider a substance that is filtered by the glomeruli but
            Angiotensin II also causes efferent more than afferent  neither reabsorbed nor secreted by the tubules. Under
            vasoconstriction and has similar effects on RBF and  steady-state conditions, the following mass balance
            GFR. Stimulation of dopaminergic receptors causes   equation may be written:
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