Page 44 - Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Disorders in Small Animal Practice
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Applied Renal Physiology     33

            In the dog and cat, normal values for RPF are 7 to 20     Transepithelial potential difference
            mL/min/kg and 8 to 22 mL/min/kg, respectively. 38,39,45                +
              If all of the plasma were filtered in one pass of blood
                                                                     Transmembrane potential difference
            through the glomeruli, an immovable mass of red blood         +   −         −   +
            cells would be all that remained behind at the efferent
            arteriole of the glomerular capillary. This does not occur
                                                                 −4 mV           −66 mV −70 mV  Interstitial
            because p GC increases along the length of the capillary  Tubular fluid          fluid     Blood
            and, in conjunction with P T , effectively opposes
            further filtration. The filtration fraction is the fraction               intercellular
            of plasma flowing through the kidneys that is filtered   Luminal membrane  Basolateral
            into the Bowman space. It is determined by the
            following equation:                                         Tight junction
                             FF ¼ GFR=RPF
            In the dog and cat, values for FF are 0.32 to 0.36 and
            0.33 to 0.41, respectively. These values are higher than
            those observed in humans in whom FF is approximately
            0.20.                                                   Paracellular


            The terms reabsorption and secretion refer to the direc-
            tion of transport across an epithelium. In the kidneys,                       Basement
                                                                                          membrane  Endothelium
            reabsorption refers to movement of water and solutes  Figure 2-8 Diagram demonstrating selected terminology as
            from the tubular lumen to the peritubular interstitium.  applied to the renal tubular epithelium: luminal versus basolateral
            Secretion refers to movement of water and solutes from  membranes, transmembrane versus transepithelial potential
            the peritubular interstitium to the tubular lumen. Some  difference, and transcellular versus paracellular
            substances experience reabsorption in one part of the  transport. (Drawing by Tim Vojt.)
            nephron and secretion in another part (e.g., urate and
            potassium). The term reabsorption often is used to
            denote net reabsorption, which is the algebraic sum of  negative. The transepithelial PD affects movement of
            the fluxes in both directions across the renal tubular  charged solutes across the renal tubular epithelium and
            epithelium.                                         contributes to the electrochemical gradient for such
              The luminal membranes separate the cytoplasm of the  solutes.The paracellular route refers to movement of
            tubular cell from the tubular fluid. The basolateral  solutes and water between cells (i.e., from the tubular
            membranes separate the cytoplasm of the tubular cell  lumen to the lateral intercellular space across tight
            from the lateral intercellular spaces and the peritubular  junctions connecting epithelial cells). The transcellular
            interstitium. The transmembrane potential difference  route refers to movement of solutes and water through
            (PD) refers to the electrical PD between the outside  the cytoplasm of the tubular cells. The junctions between
            and inside of the cell. The transepithelial or      renal epithelial cells at the luminal surface are classified as
            transtubular PD is the electrical PD between the tubular  leaky (proximal tubules) or tight (distal convoluted
            lumen and the peritubular interstitium and is the alge-  tubules, collecting ducts). Leaky epithelia do not gener-
            braic sum of the transmembrane PD between the tubular  ate large transepithelial concentration gradients, exhibit
            lumen and cell cytoplasm, and the transmembrane PD  a small transepithelial PD, and have high water perme-
            between the peritubular interstitium and cell cytoplasm.  ability, whereas tight epithelia can generate large
            These relationships are depicted in Figure 2-8. Trans-  transepithelial concentration gradients, exhibit a large
            membrane PD usually is  60 to  70 mV (cell interior  transepithelial PD, and have low basal water permeability.
            negative), whereas transepithelial PD is only a few  The paracellular route allows movement of ions (e.g.,
            millivolts. In the early proximal tubule, the tubular lumen  potassium, chloride) and large, nonpolar solutes by pas-
            is a few millivolts negative relative to the peritubular  sive diffusion and solvent drag. Electrochemical, hydro-
            interstitium, whereas in the later proximal tubule, the  static, and oncotic gradients are important driving
            tubular lumen is a few millivolts positive relative to the  forces for reabsorption by the paracellular route. The
            peritubular interstitium. In the thick ascending limb of  paracellular route accounts for only 1% of the surface area
            Henle’s loop, the transepithelial PD is lumen positive,  available for reabsorption and 5% to 10% of water trans-
            but in the distal tubule, the transepithelial PD is lumen  port, whereas the transcellular route accounts for 99% of
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